Here Comes The Sun (Misha)

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Misha has a four year old daughter, who has been struggling to sleep for weeks. He's been working and when he gets a call from his wife, he has to go home and see them. Misha spends the whole night attempting to get her to sleep, giving his wife a rest.

Becca Collins

Misha sighs, waiting for the next scene to be set up. He sits on his chair, clad in that iconic tan trench coat. That's when Jensen walks over to him "Hey, Mish. You okay?". He nods, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair "Yeah, just worried". "About Becca?" Jensen questions. He nods again "I just don't know what to do. She hasn't slept properly in weeks, I'm worried there's something wrong". Jensen puts his hand on Misha's shoulder "I'm sure everything's fine, man. Maybe it's just a weird phase". He sighs "Maybe". Misha then feels his phone vibrate in his pocket, so takes it out to look at the screen. Seeing that it's you calling him, he answers "Hey, honey. Is everything okay?". You take a breath in an attempt to stop yourself from bursting into tears "No, Misha. You have to come home. I'm exhausted, Becca won't stop crying because she's exhausted. And she just won't sleep. I don't know what else to do". He sighs "Y/n, I don't know if I can just... up and leave. We're in the middle of shooting". "I know you are, but I need you. Misha, I need you to come home, please" You reply. He nods "Okay, hold on. I'll be there as soon as I can". You hang up and Misha sighs heavily, running a hand down his face. He could hear how exhausted you were, so he would do anything to go home. Jensen frowns at his friend "Misha, just go. I'll explain what happened, you go home". He looks up at him "Really?". "Of course, man. Now, go. Y/n and Becca need you" He replies. Misha nods "Right, okay". He stands up, shrugging the trench coat off of his shoulders, revealing the hoodie (not the suit) he's wearing underneath. Then he rushes off to the exit of the building.

His rented house isn't too far away from the set, which is turning out to be rather helpful. He practically runs to his car in the parking lot, thanking god that neither Jared or Jensen did anything to it.

Skip the driving

When he gets to the driveway of his rented home, he barely turned the car off before rushing up to the door. He finds it unlocked, so he pulls the handle, then pushes the door open. Immediately, his ears are filled with Becca's screaming and crying. He frowns, softly closing the door behind him, not wanting neighbours to get the wrong idea. Then he heads up the stairs, following his daughter's cries to her room. He enters and you sigh in relief, seeing that he somehow got out of filming. You stand up to hug him and he returns it. He gently rubs your back to comfort you "Shh, it's okay. I'm here now". You sigh, burying your head into his chest "She won't stop crying". He nods "I know, I'll take care of it, okay? You try and get some sleep". You sigh as he kisses your head "Okay".

When you leave, Misha turns his attention to Becca. The four year old is lying on her front, crying and screaming into her pillow. He frowns, hating to see her like this. He tentatively approaches her bed, then sits on the edge of it. "Hey, sunshine" He sighs. He started to rub her back soothingly when he noticed she was breathing heavier than usual. "Bex, can you sit up for me please?" He asks gently. She shakes her head. "Don't wike it" She coughs. He furrows his eyebrows "Don't like what?". "It hurted" She wheezes. Misha started to get worried, noticing her odd breathing patterns. The way she spoke sounded like it took a lot of energy. He frowns "Becca, sit up, princess". "Daddy, no!" She cries, coughing a few times. He sighs "Okay". He moves closer to pick her up himself. She tried to resist, but he was too strong. He managed to pick her up to sit her in his lap. His eyes widened, now feeling just how bad her breathing was. She was struggling to breathe normally. He started to panic a little, not knowing what to do. He sighs, trying to keep calm "Okay, it's alright. We can do this". He felt her tears soaking into his hoodie, but he didn't care. "Come on, Bex. Breathe with me, okay?" He whispers. She whines "Daddy, it hurted". "I know, sunshine. I know, but just try" He replies, taking an over exaggerated breath. He kisses her head as she grips on to him "It's okay, sweetie. Take a breath, that's it". She manages to breathe in and out without wheezing or coughing and he smiles "That's it, good girl". Eventually, her breaths go somewhat back to normal. But he can feel her little body shaking, so he wraps his arms around her. She buries her face into his chest and he kisses her head. "Daddy, sing" She mumbles. He sighs, nodding "Okay, sweetie". He started to hum to her quietly. It was a song he always sang to her.

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