Champion of Helheim

Start from the beginning

Evelyn: yes, but in the meantime she is still a child shouldn't you also be abiding to Lord Ainz wishes?

Lupusregina: aw, are you a teetotaler Evelyn? it's not like Yuri will notice anyways...

Sif: father won't be happy when he finds out what kind of behavior your displaying Lupusregina.

Lupusregina: what do you mean? Lord Gier is a dragon that wants what's best for his daughter.

Sif: not when that behavior is influencing his precious daughter...

Lupusregina blinks as Sif crosses her arms tail wagging behind her quickly dropping to her knees grabbing at Sif's trousers

Lupusregina: please...please Lady Sif don't tell Lord Gier what kind of influence I have shown wah!!

Evelyn: you appear to take on your father's sardonic attitude.

Sif: is that a bad thing?

Evelyn: Lord Gier is a dragon of perfection anything that you inherited shall always be a good thing.


Mare: L-Lord Gier, why is Lord Ainz playing on the offensive? aren't you more suited for offensive?

(Y/n): yes, but Ainz wanted me to stand back and wait I wouldn't dare break his plan even if it meant ending this quickly.

Mare: why not?

(Y/n): because I'm his friend and I trust his judgement to call me when he needs me.

Mare: w-wow, that's so honorable Lord Gier.

You smile down at him patting his head

(Y/n): Aura have those things sensed anything?

Aura: I'm sorry Lord Gier, but they haven't detected anything.

(Y/n): hm "you sniff at the air smelling nothing out of the usual" I guess Shalltear really was left behind accidently after her mind control.

Aura: that means she didn't betray us right!?

(Y/n): yes, that's one mystery solved...the only problem is who had that power...

Your pupils constrict seeing the bright in the distance as it grew in size Mare and Aura look away, but you brace the blinding light

(Y/n): so starts the battle.

???: the timer's set, Gier-onnichan! 

(god typing that felt weird)

The twins go stiff at hearing the voice, Ainz handed you a watch to let you know when he wants you to intervene it's attitude changing depending on who is wearing it the voice of the watch being Bukubukuchagama the creator of Aura and Mare teasing you

(Y/n): yup, kids...that is indeed your...'mother? well I know Sif considers me her father...'

Aura: Lady Bukubukuchagama...

Aura tippy toes to get a better look at the watch Mare hanging on her shoulders to look on as well

(Y/n): being friends with Peroroncino had pulled me into her teasing demeanor I don't mind it, but it does weird me out when I hear it's like she's here...but she isn't..."you see the saddened expressions on their faces" I'm sure if she was here she would lavish you two with many gifts.

You focus your attention back to the fight seeing Shalltear charge at Ainz the speed at which she travels making you raise your head in approval as the ground breaks under her steps raising her lance to pierce when she steps into one of his traps blowing her back unleashing more magic at her

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