chapter 6

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Exemplum pov: i cant lie to him now... he will find the truth sooner or later and soon is better than later...

"we were... friends... before we fought in the forest... you and... i ... have been together since children as far as i can remember..."

"..." he was silent...

"you then made me a promise..." i looked over to Parable and her eyes turned to Exclamation marks

~^FLASH BACK^~ [parable pov okay?]

"Exemplum, please promise me that no matter what happens...
you will always be there for the one and only friend you have..."

"Parable... i will always be with you..." 

his nose and my nose touched each other... as he added...

""I will always keep my promises. Especially if it's someone like you. I want you to stop crying now, I will always be with you."


"parable... im sorry... i should've told you sooner..."

"no no... you dont have to say sorry to me... i should've waited for you to come back from the sea... i should be the one to say sorry..."

he touched his nose against mine and smiled he took something with his strings and showed something to me as he pulled away...

"here... i was going to give this to you on the day you forgot about me..."

he showed me a royal blue typed string necklace with a pure white pearl... he then put it around my neck and kissed my forehead...

"so... Parable... do you like it?"

"Pfft- like it? i love it!!!" i said as my wings flapped up and down of joy but not to fast to make me fly...

"Thank you!"

[here in my au Parable does not call Exemplum Error]

[Edit: Okay i made dream a boy- and parable i left blue as a girl Because uh im to lazy and blue and killer remains as women because they are the only two people in this au i can think of that doesn't have any powerful magic- And to create children in this au is through magic-]

can we start over? [ERRORINK SHIP this is parable x exemplum]Where stories live. Discover now