chapter 4

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Parable and Exemplum became friends again Parable started feeling feelings on her own and learned them without asking he was getting this weird feeling though his non-existent soul was beating fast around Exemplum and feel his face heat up [i wonder why ._.] even though s
he knew he had no soul he knew he was not meant to feel feelings he was confused 

"hey uh- Bennett?" Parable asked

"hmm? oh yeah? you wanted something?" Bennett answered

"uh- I've been feeling weird lately..." Parable said nervously

"are you okay? are you sick? did you get hurt?" Bennett asked in complete worry

"I'm not sick..." he said weirdly

"oh! that's good then but why are you feeling weird lately?" she asked

"i can feel my soul pumping fast and my face heat up and my words keep on stuttering around this friend of mine..." he said

"OHHH who is it???" Bennett asked

"huh? what do you mean?" Parable asked confused

"the guy you like duhh!!" Bennett said

"so the feeling I'm feeling?" he was still confused

"oh right your feeling love! not the L.O.V.E but love! not the level. of. violence but love like you want to be with them for the rest of your life and your face heats up!" she said proudly

"ohh so you have a crush huh?" he said while making a smirk on her face

"who is it!!??!!" she asked

"I AINT TELLING YA!!!" he said in a teasing way

"pleeeeeeeeaassseee???" Bennett tried to ask with puppy eyes

"no." parable may be harsh at this point but saw the sun start to set

"I have to go later Bennett!" he said waving her wing and started flying

he flew to the beach where a certain someone was waiting for him

"Exemplum!!!" he said as he crashed his wings to him making them both land on the ground

"ouch" Exemplum said as he sat up "are you okay Par?" [short for parable is par okay?] he said as his string type arms picked him up

"yeah I'm good" he said as he gave him a floofy hug with his wings "o-okay please stop that! ahahahah!" he said as him hugged his back with his strings then he let go..

"Parable its time for you to sleep..." he said "okay but please stay here? I don't like being alone! you know that!" He said "yes I'll stay if it makes you happy..." he answered giving him a smile and he smiled back...

they fell asleep for a few a hours when then Parable woke up Exemplum wasn't beside him anymore [they were sitting under a tree] he panicked but didn't make a sound he then heard voices or words he followed them and saw Exemplum neat the beach or his mother 

"h-hey ma' he's back we're friends again although its just been a month I know  should have told you b-but he barely remembers anything ma'..." he said as he started to tear up

he was about to speak but her non-existent soul told him not to...

"ma' why did Parable have to lose his memories?" he was shocked and confused what did he mean? "if only I didn't leave him that day just to get him a stupid necklace and stayed with him and waited for the right time t-this wouldn't have happened... I'm so foolish and stupid..." he stayed on his spot and didn't move a muscle [or bone?] "I made a promise and I almost broke it... but I won't break it this time ma' I'll fulfil my promise *sniff* I can't break it" then a sudden flash back came to Parable

~^flash back^~

"I will always keep my promises. Especially if it's someone like you. I want you to stop crying now, I will always be with you."

[Exemplum 2019 I got it from this YouTube # vid]

~^end of flash back^~

"I should get going ma' before he realize that I'm gone... later ma'" he the quickly sneaked to the tree they were sleeping under and pretended to be asleep he heard footsteps and didn't move he felt a familiar touch then that's when he knew it was Exemplum he then fell asleep...

[should i stop making this story? because im stuck with vampireverse and my au but i really don't want to stop writing this story i want to finish it so to make it short i will write slowly and update slowly i hope you guys dont mind]

can we start over? [ERRORINK SHIP this is parable x exemplum]Where stories live. Discover now