Having a mood swing in front of your cold wife (one shot)2/2

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A month later..

Rosè is in work and lisa is with jisoo and jennie.

Unnies come over to my house because i need to tell ab rosè to them.

Something was wrong with rosè
She always goes to work before i wake up and come back home at late. And she never take her attention from laptop. I feel like she was hiding smth.
And because i feel depress and stress.Also I feel angry at her.

Idk what to do jisoo and jennie unnies😭
Is she fell in love with another girl?Maybe she dun luv me anymore cause I'm getting fat?🤧(i cried)
jennie:I'm sure she is just busy and u know right!She love u alot.

lisa:"what if ahe doesn't luv me anymore? '(i sighted and cried)

'U know that she'll never betray u!'jisoo said holding lisa's hand.
Did rosè stop taking care of u? no right!U'r stressed cx she is busy and have u talked to her? (jennie asked)

'I asked her but she just said nth to worry ab but here i'm worried'🤧(i sniffed)

jisoo hold my hand and said 'dun stress ur self.ur baby might be feel'...

I rubbed my baby and felt sry for my lili.
Suddenly i felt pain in my belly .I took a deep breath to calm down but another wave come. (i held jennie's hand tightly and looked at her with my teary eyes)

jennie:R u ok?what wrongs? (worriedly asked)
jisoo called ambulance right away and called rosè.
Jisoo:deep breath lisa yah! I called ur wife too.
I couldn't say anywords. .i just nodded.
It's false labour.?why it's so hurt? "i cried in pain'.

Rosè (pov)

After i received the jisoo text that'Lisa was at the hospital ' i immediately end the meeting and rush to the hospital.

I was rlly worry  ab my wife. Is the baby coming already or is it smth else?

Soon enough, I arrived ro the hospital and run to  the reception.

'Excuse me..can u tell me. .where  is the lalisa park manoban room? '

"who r u' the nurse asked. .
i'm her family'."i answered'
'Okay. .and her room is 305'. the nurse pointed out.
I thanked her and rushed to the the room.

I opened the door amd saw jisoo and jennie talking to the doctor.
And i saw lisa lying in bed and tended her arms toward me.

I hug are tightly and asked the doctor(what happened).

Doc:Flase labour and nth to worry ab it but a lot of rest and stress less.

rosè: 'stress'. .i looked lisa .and confuse what doc just said.
jisoo and jennie: take care ur wife and see u trm. 'smile'
rosè:thank u unnies and see ya.

jennie,jisoo and doc left the room to give us privacy.

'Is smth bothering u,babe?  looked at me' i asked and caress her hair and encourage her to tell what she feel.

She lifted her head and gaze meeting my eyes. I can see that she try not to cry .

I kiss her forehead and hold her tightly.

'in these days u'r busy with smth and u came home late ' She sniffed. 'and i thought u hide me smth and i thought. ....u fell in luv with someone and i'm scared u would leave me '. Her tears r flowing on her cheek.

I sighed and hug her tightly again and wiped her tears. ..'dun cry babe,i'm sry if i make u worried:there is a big project in our company so i'm busy'. .i caresses her hair. .' there is nth to worry ab. I only luv u and i'll take care u and our baby. ok? '

'my heart is only for u lisa and promise me u'll not make urself stress'I looked at her and she smiled widely to me kissed my cheek. .

' i promised ' lisa said.

'she leaned her forehead into my cleavage.'

rosè..(she said)
yes baby...(i looked her)
'can u cuddle me when we got home  and stay with me all day'(lisa asked with puppy eyes)

'ofc i'll stayed with u all day'
I chuckled and kissed her again'

After a moments.. lisa finally fell asleep and i just watched her and admiring how beautiful she was. She was an angel.
lisa is so kind, beautiful,
smart. .
She is my life,my wife, my heart and my home. 💕🤧

Time skip. .

lisa was 9 months pregnant , and
the baby could arrive anytime.
In these days,lisa is lack of sleep and i'm worried about her.

I made sure to prepare her health meals,giving attention and showing how i care for her. She was the moat precious person to me.
I had to be patient esp the mood swings.
Sometimes lisa would ask me to buy foods when she want to eat. Even tho if it's a weird foods ever. But i dun mind.

One early in the morning, lisa was feeling contractions. I immediately called the ambulance and transport her to the hospital. Then I called our parents and friend trying to ease my nervousness.
We both are worried and nervous.

At the hospital. .

As soon as we arrived at the hospital,Doctor and nurses took lisa to the urgency room. I hold her hand tightly and followed her.

I stayed with her in the room and caressing her hair and arm. I saw her tears flowing on her cheeks cx of the pain. I wish i could take those pain from her.

"it hurts,chaeyoung' she whimpered me after we waited for sometimes.

"Be strong,love.Everythings will be okay  and we'll meet our girl soon."

After a few moments. .the doc came in and take lisa to the labour room.

"chaeyoung ahh!"..She called me. ."yes love". .She hold my hand tightly and told me"pls come with me. .i need u with me"and i can see her teary eyes.
"yes babe.. i'll stay beside u all a long"and kissed her forehead.

I stayed by lisa's side without any interruption and stayed beside her and encourage.

'1.2.3 push' the doc said. .
'ahhh. .ahh'lisa shouted...
"I can't ..I can't do it..it hurt so much"lisa cried
I hold lisa's hand tightly and wipe her sweat....'love u can do it.U have come so far and we will meet our girl soon..pls.one more time 'i said her .I wait her response  and ..she nodded.
'ahhhhh.....'she shouted and i can see how she is suffering. .i started to tear up.
lisa looked at me with teary eyes and 'pls.pls.. dun leave me ,stay beside me pls'. .lisa told me and hold my hand very  tightly ..
'yes.. love i'll not go anywhere and i'll here for u.' i kiss her forehead.
'miss....last push 1.2.3 'doc said.
I hold her and she shouted 'ahh.hh'.

Soon enough,we can heard the baby's cried. At the moment..i was very happy and we both are crying cx of happiness.

the nurse wrapped the baby and brought to us. 'congratulations.. the baby is a girl'. the nurse said.

'she looks like u and she has the mommy's chipmunk' lisa smiled at me.
'our daughter is so beautiful like her mom'.i said 'Lisa i luv u and thx for bringing our lili in the world and i promised i'll protect our family at all cost and i'll be ur side'. .I said and kiss my wife.
'I'm glad that i met a someone like u chaeyoung and I luv u too' lisa kissed me back.

In this moments i'm the happiest person in the world and i can feel love and warm.
In my life I've never been happy than this. Finally my wished are come true.
Now, I've a beautiful wife and daughter.

hope u guys enjoy and pls vote and comment. .

i'm sry if there is a grammar mistakes.

Soon,i'll write jensoo one shot!. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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Having a mood swing in front of your cold wife(one shot)ChaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now