Chapter 4 Secerts

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Here is another chapter ENJOY! -jazmierose

Sofia, Amber, James, Sonya, and Jeremy were thinking on what both Cedric an Esperanza said. "What do they meant by that?" Sonya asked. "Are they keeping secrets from us? Cause they aren't suppose to keep secrets from us." Amber pout. "Amber we shouldn't demand them to tell us what they're secrets are. That's not right." Sofia snapped with disagreement.

~Meanwhile at the Pond~

Esperanza was sittig near the pond waiting for Cedric to come. Then she heard a strange noise coming from behind her. She turned around to see what that was only to find was Cedric, she sighes in reilf that it was only her friend. " Hello Cedric." Esperanza smiled. " What really happen?" Cedric asked with a questionly voice. " Those people who are after me and you. They attack the kingdom to get to me. But Royals didn't know it they just thought they where attaking them, so they decided to let me take the young ones with me for protection. The day has come Cedric. If they told sofia and the others, the king ans Queen will turn us in for freedom. Not realizing that they won't get their freedom. If they do then the kingdom will fall." Eaperanza explained.

Cedric started to get worry about that cause he is afriad what will happen if they do. "Oh no, not those guys. They think we died, how come they know we are still alive and where we are." " They said a little birdie told them that information. If they realize where we are right this secound, they will come after us and hurt the magiesties. We won't let this happen." Esperanza shivered at the thought of it. "What should we do now?" Esperanza questioned. " What we can do now is wait. Come on, lets not let them waiting for long or they'll try to look for us." Cedric answered. The two agreed and went back inside.

_At the kingdom of Japan_

" So she and the young ones are nowhere to be found." asked the stranger. "No boss. What should we do now?" the young man asked. "There's gonna be a royal party get together at the kingdom of Enchancia. I'll bet you that they are there. Sent the king and Queen to Enchancia so that we can use them as bait to sneak us in. " the stranger said with pride. " That is a great plan Maxwell." said the young man.

_back in Enchancia_

Sofia walked in the dinning room seeing everyone setting up everything. " Uh. What's going on?" sofia frowned. " Oh Sofia, the kinngdoms is having a get together with every kingdom known to all." Amber singed. " That sounds fun." Sofia smiled. " I have a bad feeling about this." Sonya sighed. " Why do you say that?" James asked. " I don't know I'm just have a bad feeling about the get together. I believe that our parents are coming over. If they do me and Jeremy will be so happy." Sonya explained.

Sofia and the others didn't realize that Esperanza and Cedric was in the room. ' Oh no if the magiesties come here so will those guys that are after us! We are doomed!' Cedric and Esperanza thought in fright.

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