"I do not need any Lawyer, did you hear me I don't want any Lawyer Stay away from me,Otherwise, you won't imagine in your wildest dream that what will I do with you even your family members will not be able to recognize you now , get out from here " I push her on the floor

She look at me and her tears starts flowing from her eyes continuously she touch her leg and try to get up but she can't

with great difficulty she get up and starts moving towards the enternace

" from this only her all confidence went up in the air and she will get me out of the jail , I am about to turn but then she stops and turn back

Her long brown hair moves with the direction of her head, tears are still there in her big brown eyes but she did not let them fall looks like she is holding them to show me that she is not scare of me and I can't scare her, her face becomes red especially her nose due to anger and crying

" Do'n t think that by doing all this to me You can scare me and due to fear I will leave this case but you are mistaken mr arjun Singhania I will never leave this case did you hear me ? I will never leave this case and no matter what happens now I will take you out of the jail , " she tell me with full confidence

This girl really amaze me , I never seen such a fearless girl in my life but this little girl don't know that who I am and what I can do with her but still she seems different ,

Kavya :-

I am about to going from there after telling him that he can't scare me but then I saw he came to me and in reflex , I am going backwards

I keep on sliding backwards in fear but he keep coming towards me

He comes close to me and lifts me off with my shoulders and pulls me towards him , his chest is collides with mine

" You will take me out of the jail ,why ? Why do you want me to get out of the jail who has told you to do it ?

I try to distance myself from him but he holds me very tightly ,

" mr singhania leave me nobody told me anything , what are you doing " I keep telling him to leave me but still he did not let me go

" who told you to fight my case tell me " he keep emphasising on me to tell the name of the person who send me to fight his case

I 'm trying to distance myself from him but he tightly holds my hair and Brought my face to his

" what you think, I am fool all of sudden government decided one day to take out criminals out of the jail in the name of mercy "

" leave me , it's paining please " but instead of leaving my hair , he grab them more tightly , I am struggling in his arms

my top is tucked off due to fallen on floor, and when I am struggling with him to leave me , his palm suddenly touchs my skin ,and I immediately look at him with shock

he tightly clutch my waist and look at my tremble lips , his blue eyes show lust and only lust

With all my energy in me I pushed him and immediately run from there

Everybody in jail looking at me in surprise but I keep running by ignoring them and came out of jail ,

I take heavy breaths and my heartbeats are increasing, the way he touced me and looked me with lust disgust me " what kind of disgusting man he is god ?

I feel pain in my hand I touch my hand , it is already swelled , and now blood starts ozooeing from it

I sit under the tree and releax myself a bit " I know why he did all these but I will not give up,

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