Sins of the past: Chapter 6 - Awakening

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Frost: light surrounded me as I hung, suspended in nothingness. I laid there, listening to the silence, enjoying the lack of sensation. There was no pain, no ache, no confusion or hurt. 'Hurt.' I thought to myself. 'I should hurt. Kayla was hurt. Kayla. Where was she?' I looked around me, only to see that I was alone. But where was I? I didn't recognize my surroundings. As I puzzled over this, I suddenly realized that I couldn't breathe. I was drowning! I swam upward, trying to reach the surface, and lunged forward as I felt something in my back rip apart.
I opened my eyes, gasping in shock, a silent scream paralyzed in my throat, as I realized I had been asleep. A searing pain in my right middle back caused my vision to dim as I fought to maintain consciousness. Memories of the repository came to me, broken at first, gradually regaining the cohesion of conscious thought. Asmodeus. Kayla and Chyld. Anpaarthurinax. Slowly, I surveyed my surroundings. My bedroom. Kayla was seated in a chair to my right, sleeping restlessly. Chyld, was curled up at the foot of the bed. I looked at them both, seeing them side by side was going to take some getting used to. Carefully, I slid the sheets off of my legs, wincing at each movement as it brought new pain. A bath, and food, would do me good.

Kayla: Hearing Chyld let out a soft whimper, I slowly opened my eyes to find Chyld at the foot of the bed asleep and Frost sitting up carefully pushing the sheets down his legs trying not to wake Chyld. I watched Frost a moment, that was till I noticed that his white dress shirt was jagged, torn, and stained with blood just under his right shoulder blade. Moving quickly, yet quietly behind him, my eyes went wide when I noticed the rather large gaping wound. Reaching out slowly, I laid a hand on his shoulder and whispered. "Frost... Hold still." I moved closer behind him and my breath caught in my throat, as I took a better look at what appeared to be a deep, massive hole in his back. I quietly uttered "By Mecca's curse... Frost, your bleeding like a stuck pig." I carefully held my hand up to compare it to the size of my small hand and swallowed hard, thinking. "Oh shit, it's twice the size of my hand!" Looking around for anything to help stop the bleeding.

Frost: I froze when I felt a hand grasp my right shoulder lightly, and fought back the waves of nausea that followed. I heard the panic beginning to rise in the voice that spoke, asking me to hold still. As Kayla moved closer to me, I felt each minut movement of her body through her hand and it's pressure. Hearing her swear by a name that was almost forgotten I laid my left hand on her right, and gently took it into my own, removing it from my shoulder. I continued to hold her hand as I spoke carefully and quietly, as not to wake Chyld. "It's not as bad as it looks. If it were, I probably wouldn't be speaking to you right now. No?"

Kayla: Slowly entwining my fingers with his, I glanced over at Chyld a moment still sound asleep, whispering softly next to Frost's ear. "Not bad my ass, Frost. It looks pretty bad and I'm willing to bet it hurts like a son of a bitch too." Sighing softly, I spoke again. "I'm not even sure exactly how your even conscious, right now. You amaze me." I whispered softly in my mind. "Chyld, wake up, I need you my dear one." I looked over Frost and his wound, it was then that I noticed his displaced ribs sticking out. "Frost... We need to reset your ribs, cleanse and seal the wound."

Chyld: Hearing my sister call to me in my mind, I stirred from my slumber and carefully sat up as I heard her explaining to frost what needed to be done, the very thought of it turned my stomach. I swallowed hard, knowing this was not gonna be easy and it was gonna be painful to do, much less watch. A feeling of dread started to wash over me as the color drained from my face a touch, I spoke softly. "How can I assist?"

Frost: Hearing Kayla describe how my wound looked to her, I gave a pained laugh as I thought about the old Monty Python skit. "Mere flesh wound!" I said in imitation of the Black Knight. When Kayla woke Chyld, I grimaced at the realization that she wasn't going to let it go. So I decided to try a different approach. "Chyld, would you be so kind as to make something from the food storage, and perhaps some hot mint tea? I find myself in need of nourishment if I'm to heal." Having said that, I attempted to stand up. "Kayla, there should be a small wooden box on the dresser. Inside of it are several pouches from the poison garden. If you would be so kind as to help me to the bath? They will cleanse the wound and help abate the blood loss."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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