Sucking in a bit more oxygen, Louie attempted to make a bit of smalltalk while they rested. - "Y'know what's weird."

"What's weird?"

He pulled himself off the floor. - "We've been fighting for about 20minutes, making a lot of noise, and I haven't seen any guard come investigate."

"Yeah, that means that we probably tripped a silent alarm or something." - Her eyes went wide. - "Oh no."

"What do you mean o-"

A giant cloud of purple smoke appeared, aptly cutting Louie off, the cloud swallowed a large portion of the hall, and a voice echoed.

"I am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the wrong number that wakes up you up at 3am. I am Darkwing Duck!" - The smoke cleared and a masked duck wearing a trench-coat, hat and cape appeared. - "Now evildoers, get ready to taste justi- Gosa- I mean Quiverwing what are you doing here?"

Quiverwing for some reason looked annoyed. - "Dealing with this criminal." - She vaguely gestured over Louie who awkwardly waved at the older superhero.

"Not tonight you're not, its a school night." - He chastised.

Before she could rebut, Louie started laughing.

His exhaustion seemingly vanished as he chuckled away. - "You're not even his sidekick... You're his... You're his daughter..." - He begin to crack-up again. - "Gotta get Daddy to save you?"

Blushing. The heroine turned back to the teenager. - "Sh-Shut up." - She stammered. When that didn't do anything, she tried again. - "Shut up!" - She said a bit more confidently, but again he just kept laughing at her. Her embarrassment finally turning into anger, she screamed at him. - "SHUT UP!"

Louie was seemingly too caught up in laughter, that by the time he noticed her fist flying towards it was too late. Catching him square in the face, he was unconscious before he hit the ground.

"Gosalyn!" - Drake whisper-shouted at his daughter, surprised to what he'd just seen.

"What? He had it coming."


"Oh hey guys!" - Launchpad greeted, crawling out of the bike that he'd just imbedded in one of the nearest walls.

"Hey LP." - Gosalyn greeted, acting as if she didn't just knock out a guy 10-seconds before.

"Oh you got him!" - The cheerful duck commented as he got a better look at the crime scene and unconscious criminal. - "Wait I know him! He's Dewey's brother!"


"I knew he looked familiar." - Gosalyn remarked nudging him with her foot.

Drake sighed, as he pinched the bridge of his nose. - "This isn't good." - He pulled a pair of purple handcuffs from her cloak. - "LP call your Boss, I don't what this getting out of hand more than it already has.


"Uh... my head." - Louie groaned, as he drifting back into consciousness. In an attempt to push himself to his feet, he noticed his hands were cuffed around a handrail. - "I'm getting real sick an' tired of waking up in shackles." - He muttered.

Readjusting his footing, he successfully pushed himself up onto his feet. He took a second to examine the set of cuffs. They were standard issue, with the only sort of modification seemed to be to the frame and the colour not to the actually locking mechanism. Picking this would be a piece-of-cake.

"Louie?" - Della spoke, alerting him to the presence of the McDuck family. He just ignored them and focused on escaping his cuffs.

"Lad," - Scrooge tried next. - "Talk to us. We can help you!" - He begged, taking a step closer to the teenager, Kovax's cutlass in his hand.

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