chapter 12

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Nini: wait Maddie, are you in on this?
Maddie: possibly
Nini: what did I tell you about meddling
Maddie: you clearly weren't going to do something so I knew I had to
Nini: just don't do it again
Maddie: can't make any promises. Now I think there's a certain someone you need to talk to

Nini knew that Maddie was referring to Ricky and honestly, she's been dreading yet been preparing for this moment for over 2 years
Here goes nothing

Nini: hey so we should probably talk
Ricky: yeah. um there's a lot of people around, do you want to talk about it while we like walk or something?
Nini: yeah i'd like that

a few minutes later

Nini: yeah so my life has basically been a living hell for the past 2 years
Ricky: no way me too
Nini: so what happens now?
Ricky: what do you mean?
Nini: like now that this whole stupid "deal" is over, where does this leave us?
Ricky: well I know that I want to be with you forever, what about you?
Nini: what if I told you that that's what I want to
Ricky: then I'd say this....Nini, will you be my girlfriend, again?
Nini: of course!

Maddie: yayyyyy finally!
Gina: sorry I tried to hold her back for as long as possible
Nini: Gi! your here!
Gina: surprise!
Nini: i missed you!
Gina: i missed you too! and hey, if you ever wind up back in New York, come say hi
Nini: i'll definitely stop by
Maddie: well we better get start getting ready to go back home
Nini: bye Mads, bye Gi! i'll miss you guys
Maddie: bye! and don't forget to invite me to the wedding
Ricky: won't think twice about not inviting you guys!

i cant believe that this story is over

here's kinda how I came up with this story (for anyone interested)

so over quarantine, i had trouble falling asleep so I would create fake stories in my head to fall asleep. Most of them were stories about tv shows. In my head, Maddie is actually played by me. I've been imagining this for months now and over 3 "seasons" later i've came to an end with this book!
thank you all so much for reading this and I hope you loved it as much as I did!


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