chapter 10

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buckle up wildcats, sh*t's about to get real

Jamie: why are you guys freaking out?
Maddie: that's Taylor and Owen
Gina: Rickys fiancé and Nini's....boyfriend?
Maddie: her "husband" actually
Gina: and she didn't even think to invite us to the wedding
Maddie: it's all part of the "deal"
Gina: I wonder if she has contact with...anyone from highschool?
Maddie: I wonder if she still has contact with Kourtney?
Gina: I don't know but apparently she's this big fashion designer in Paris
Maddie: hmm good for her
Gina: so wait, we're not going to talk about Taylor and Owen MAKING OUT?
Maddie: nope...but I know who would love to talk about it

Maddie: plan is secure! Ricky should be arriving soon
Jamie: what about your cousin, Nini?
Maddie: my aunts said she should be coming very soon
Gina: great!

Emma and Ava: hey guys!
Jamie: Ava! You're here a day early!
Ava: yeah Maddie got me a quick flight here
Jamie: thanks Maddie!
Maddie: no problem, Ja
Emma: oo oo Rickys here
Gina: you know Emma, I'm surprised your in this mission
Maddie: yeah, it feels like yesterday Nini was telling me you were trying to get with Ricky
Emma: yeah I am SO over that
Maddie: good because I see Nini coming

i'll maybe post another chapter tonight

or maybe i'll keep you waiting


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