Chapter 2

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(Y/n) stared at them as Hermes entered the portal, and then the portal closed. "Good work Hermes," She said. "I know you must be very confused (Y/n). But you are in danger. My name is Hera."

"You must be scared. My name is Jay. This is Odie, Theresa, Archie, Harry, Niel, Atlanta," Said the tall brown-haired boy. 

"You are a musician, are you not?" Hera said, looking at the guitar case (Y/n) clutched in her hand. (Y/n) stared at her. 

"... So... Gos are real?" (Y/n) mumbled. "... Wait, you said I was in danger? How come? What about my parents? Are they?"

"Techanlly, the whole world is in danger," Odie said. "The god of time, Cronus, You may have heard of him, wants to take over the world, and you can help him in order to do so. But you are also able to help us defeat him."

(Y/n) looked at her guitar case. "... Sorry, but I'm a normal girl. I can't help no one. All I want is to have a normal life and play music for people. I won't tell anyone about this, but I'm not going to be pulled in chaos; I have nothing to do with," (Y/n) said, looking back at them. 

"Blunt, aren't you. I like it," Atlanta said, crossing her arms. 

"You do have something to do with it," Theresa said. 

"Like it or not, you won't be able to get away from this life anymore," Archie said. 

"You are the daughter of one of the 9 Muses. The daughter of the goddess Song and dance, Terpsikhore," Hera said.

 "And only you have the capability of playing a cursed song. Your music takes effect on people that listen to it. If you play a happy song or you feel happy during that song, it will make other people happy. The same thing is when it's a sad song or a mad song. Whatever song you play and how you feel during that song will affect people's emotions. Hermes has seen it with his own eyes when you play out on the streets. If you are asking for proof if you are Terpsikhore daughter, there it is," Atlanta said. 

"And Cronus is already on the search for you," Jay said. 

"... You don't want to be here and don't want anything to do with helping him or us..." Theresa said. "But he will force you to help him. Cronus isn't a good man. He will threaten you or take what you love to do anything for him."

(Y/n) looked at her, surprised. She knew exactly what she was thinking and wanted to do—at least a feeling of it. "My Ancestor is Theseus. See, unlike us, you actually were born from a god. So you are stronger than all of us if you learn how to use your powers," Theresa said.

(Y/n) then softly smiled. "Sorry, but my mother is currently at my home," (Y/n) said. 

"... sorry you had to find out this way," Archie said (Sorry, I actually started to laugh when I wrote this. No hard feelings on anyone out there that was adopted, my coins were adopted, and I still make jokes like this, so sorry)

"I'm going home. Here," (Y/n) said, handing Hermes the pendent. "I won't tell anyone about this. Have a good day, everyone" With that, the portal once again appeared, and (Y/n) walked through it and left the school. 

(Y/n) walked the streets. She didn't what to believe them, and she doesn't;t think she could. They are crazy! No way I'm some god's daughter! I love music, so what? I'm not going to change my dream, let alone die for some people I don't even know... And I won't be telling anyone this... Even if I did, they probably wouldn't believe it (Y/n) thought. But her thoughts were soon interrupted when she bumped into someone. 

"Sorry," (Y/n) mumbled, looking up to see a man that looked to be in his late 30's or early 40's. He had black hair with a white stripe in it and a scar on his face. 

"Oh, it's fine, (Y/n)," He said. 

"... How... How do you know my name?" (Y/n) mumbled. Don't tell me what they said was real... Is this Cronus?! (Y/n) thought as she took a step back. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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