New bike, new team, new life

Start from the beginning

"Hey look I'm fine, just sore. I've had way worse. Both from her and racing. I'm way tougher than you can imagine. I don't know when or if I will completely open up about it. But I will tell you this. It's being going on for little over 3 years. It's how I was able to come to the states in the first place. After a rather bad hit to the head, Jett facetimed me. And I thought it was dark enough for him not to see, but it wasn't. At the time I panicked, not really wanting anyone to know but at the same time I did, because I knew I needed help. But I couldn't ask for it. No one would believe me. Both of my parents are very, very well known back home. My dad is one of the top surgeons in the country, and my mom is on the queens council. No one would believe the happy, loving family we showed out in public was so hateful and toxic at home behind closed doors. I never had loving parents growing up, but they didn't show negative feeling to me till I turned down a college scholarship for law school. My mom has despised me even more ever since. She never understood my dreams to do what we do. She wanted a perfect child, the perfect daughter, but she got me. That isn't everything but thats what I am able to talk about now. Just to be clear Chase, if you still want to be with me, you are getting a damaged, troubled, PTSD girl. I will never get completely over these scars, I will have my bad days where I need to be left alone and to take my anger and hurt out on a punching bag, and there are going to be days where I just need to be held. I am telling you all this now, so if you want to back out you can, and I wouldn't hold it against you I promise."

I sit back and take a breath as he sits there going over everything I just told him. I am slightly shaking but I don't know why. Maybe because this is the first time I have ever talked about this. The boys know parts, but never have I sat there and told them all that. I try and look at his face to see if I can tell what he's thinking but I can't. Right as I was about to stand up, he slides down to the ground on his knees and pulls me into a hug. As I wrap my arms back around him I can feel him crying. Before I can ask why, he starts talking,

"Oh god, I am so sorry you had to go through all that alone. I have no idea how you were able to handle all that and still joke around and be happy like you are. You are way stronger than you could ever imagine Sarah. I know I would have broke a long time ago if that was me. And no, I said I will never leave you and I mean it. You are stuck with me till you don't want me, and even then I'd fight to be by your side. Honestly it scares me a bit, with how strongly I feel about you. I know we still need to talk about what happened between us, but I'm here for the full ride if you are."

I could feel myself sag in happiness, relief, and joy over that last statement. I was to choked up to say anything so I did what I could. I nodded my head and pulled back and kissed him. I kissed him as if my life depended on it, because at that moment it felt like it did. And he kissed back with the same amount of feelings as I did. And I never felt more at peace than at that moment. After a few minutes we pull back and grin at each other in pure happiness. For some reason I start laughing, and before long I could hear him join. As we continue to laugh we climb onto the bed and lay down side by side.  As the laughter died down and we just stared at each other with smiles, I shake my head, take off my glasses and roll onto his chest. He got the hint and turned off the lights and hit play on the movie. As I felt myself fall asleep, I felt him kiss the top of my head and mutter,

"Goodnight baby girl."


Then next morning as I woke up, I see a blurry face of Chase facing me. All I could do was stare with a soft smile on my face for a few minutes before slowly sitting up and grabbing my glasses. Right as I was about to stand up and stretch a arm darts out and snags me by the waist pulling me back down into the bed. I give out a slightly startled laugh and say,

"Chase, we need to get up. I gotta eat and hit the road to get back home at a decent time."

He opens a eye and frowns. He pulls me closer and breaths into my hair saying,

"I am not letting you drive back by yourself baby, I'm going with you. And you can't say no because for one, I got your keys, two I already missed my flight home, and three because I care. So just enjoy the peace for a few more moments then we will get up, ok?"

As he lays there, I feel myself blink in awe, I don't think I will ever get over someone caring for me the way he does. So as we lay there in each others arms, I suddenly remember about my new ride and I sit up so fast he doesn't have time to react. As he glares up at me I start laughing at his bed hair. All he does is sit up and run his hand through his hair and give me a look that says, it's to early for your shit. All I do is laugh and jump up and start dancing saying,

"I gotta tell you something...YOUR GIRL GOT A RIDE SON!"

As I continue to dance like a crazy, which I am, he looked confused till it clicked in his head what I just said. As soon as it did, he just jumped up and grabbed me by the shoulders and held me down and asked me,

"Wait, you got a ride? That's great! From who?"

I grin at him and answer,

"Oh, you remember the guy you were glaring at yesterday? The one holding my bike? Yeah, he's made a deal with Monster kawasaki to find a rider to sponsor, and guess who he picked? ME FOOL!"

As soon as I finished talking I was wrapped up in his arms and he was spinning me around. When he sat me back down on my feet he started kissing me. I kissed back. Things got pretty heated pretty quick, but we stopped before it got out of hand. I looked up with a grin and said,

"So, can we get something to eat? I'm starving. And I wanna get on the road. I miss home."

All I get in response is a eye roll and a shove out the door. As we walk down the hotel hallway to the free breakfast with his arm around my shoulder I couldn't help but think,

Yeah, this is how it was supposed to be, 

New bike,

New team,

New life,

And I wish it never ends.

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