•Starting Off Crying•

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Kaitie's POV
I tossed and turned all night, not gaining sleep. When I had finally started to go back to sleep, my alarm went off.
'Oh well.' I thought to myself.
I got out of bed, got dressed, and went to eat. I had decided on some toast with Nutella and milk, just something simple.
"Kaitie dear, what are you doing up so early?" I jumped at the sound of my grandmother.
"I have school today, remember?"
"That's right. Have fun."
"I will, love you gram!" She nodded and walked back to her room. I finished my toast and walked out the door. To save time, I decided to drive to school, instead of skating.

Apron arrival, I saw a group of girls who I guessed to be the school's "queens." They had layers of make-up, leather purses, black boots, pink shirts, and booty shorts. Like the perfect definition of a school queen, right?
As I got out of my car, they began pointing and whispering amongst themselves. I already knew I was going to have bullys, I was just hoping it wouldn't be bad. One of them threw a bit of paper at me, but I easily avoided it.
Trying to avoid, them, I made my way inside the building and into the front office to get my locker and schedule.
"Hi there, how may I help you?"
"I'm new here, and I needed to pick up my locker and schedule?"
"Yes! You must me Kaitlin, right?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Alright, well your locker is A177, and your combination is 33,3,33. This is your schedule, and you will not be counted tarty until next week, because this is a big school and we understand that you'll need time to adjust."
"Right, thank you!" I walked out of the office and wandered the school, looking for A hall.
'E hall, D hall, C hall, B hall, A.' I walked down the hallway, looking for my locker. I finally found it and tried my combination. I opened and closed my locker, trying to get used to it.

After I had gotten everything in my locker, the bell rang. Suddenly, the halls began to fill with people, and I was lost in the crowd of rushing students. Looking down at my schedule, I saw I had math first. Not to bad. I made my way thought the people, only figuring out that the school was SO MUCH BIGGER than it appears. The bell rang and I started to panic. "I'm late!" I quickened my pace and found hall E. I found the class, and opened the door. As if on que, the whole class turned and looked at me. I could feel my cheeks going red, and I quickly looked towards the teacher, trying to calm down.
"Ah, you must be Kaitlin. Here, you can sit up here." He pointed towards a desk up front near hers. To be honest, I was hoping to get a seat in the back of the room. I had learned that when you're in the back, people can't stare at you without the teacher noticing and them getting caught, but oh well.

"Can someone tell me how to solve this?" I was the only one who rose my hand.
"Oh come on, someone besides the new girl?" Still no other hands.
"Okay. Kaitie?"
"Well, you'd want to break up the figure into shapes, usually simple ones, and solve them using the appropriate formulas. After you have your shape area's, you want to add and/or subtract the answers to get your answer." I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I answered the question.
"Yes, well done Kaitie!" BRRRING!
"Class dismissed." I gathered my rings and walked out of the door, searching for my next class. Music, one of my favorite classes. As I was making my way down the hallway, one of the girls from the parking lot came up to me.
"Hey, Kaitie is it? Who do you think you are, walking into class acting all smart and awesome on your first day? Bitch."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me. Piece of shit."
"I-I'm sorry, I-I just answered the question.."
"I don't care, fuck you. Slut, go kill yourself."
"I don't know you, why are you being so mean?" I was trying not to cry. Yes, I'm easily emotional.
"Get used to it, crybaby. Now go kill yourself butch." She walked away and I ran to the bathroom. As I was looking for one, I ran into someone I wasn't expecting.
"T-Travis?" I managed to squeak out.
"Hey Kaitie! What's the matter?"
"I-I S-she call-called me a b-bi-bitch, and t-to ki-kill mys-self.."
"Shhh, stop talking. Come here." He pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his chest. After what seemed like an hour, I had stopped crying and was able to talk again. Somehow, Travis managed to take me into the school lounge area.
"Trav, why hasn't the bell rung?"
"Because for some reason, the passing period between 1st and 2nd period is 25 minutes long, not 5."
"Oh okay. Should we get to our classes?"
"Maybe. Are you okay?"
"What class do you have next?" He asked me.
"Music, why?"
"I do too! Can I see your schedule?" I handed him my schedule and he examined it while we were walking to class. After about 2 minutes, he looked up and smiled.
"We have every class together except 1st. Sweet!"
"Cool! So, you don't have math?"
"No, I do, I'm just in regular."
"Oh okay.
"Hey, can I ask who told you those things?" He asked. I felt my face instantly drop.
"I-I don't know. She had a pastel-pink shirt, a white purse, she was a blonde girl, she had black heals-"
"Jessica." He cut me off.
"The school's 'Queen.' Everyone adores her, the guys and I hate her."
"I can see why."

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