Twenty Eight - I Guess You're Right

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"I get you" he said to me. "I guess in that sense, I miss it too." We both looked away from each other. "Come on Hell, I'm sure we can be just as happy even with the circumstances."

"Hell?" I said with a laugh at the nickname he had given me.

"Yeah" he laughed. "Thought it was fitting, don't you?" He said.

"I like it" I smiled. I began to speed up down the stairs. "Come on hurry up" I said to him.

"Yes your lady Satan" he said with a curtesy. We shared a laugh before entering the common room to try and get a share of the bread and butter that Jack, a Slytherin in the year below us who had befriended Cass lately, had somehow gotten.


"Where did you get it Jack?" I questioned him. We had shared out the loaf of bread between all the Slytherins that were in the common room. We were hastily picking up any crumbs on the carpet and discarding any evidence of it.

"It was Malfoy actually" he said to me. I whipped my head towards him.

"Malfoy?" I said. "Why did he give you it?"

"Dunno" he said eating the last crust of his slice. "He said to share it out because we looked hungry."

I shared a glance with Eddie from across the room. Jack wasn't the brightest boy. He was academically intelligent but hardly had common sense.

"Did it not cross your mind that maybe he put something in it?" Said a girl from the opposite end of the room.

"Oh yeah. Didn't think of that." He said. The girl stood next to him slapped him lightly on the arm and called him a blithering idiot. "Well there was nothing in it was there?" He defended himself.

"Well why was that death eater trying to help us?" Said a boy who I believed to be named Noah.

"I think Helena knows that" Blaise said to him. All eyes in the room turned to me.

"Blaise what are you on about?" I said to him.

"We'll your the only one in here who he seems to like. It was probably for you" he said.

"Wait what do you mean? Why are you friendly with a death eater?" Noah questioned me standing up from where he was sat.

"I'm not!" I exclaimed. "For gods sake Blaise"

"Well why was he giving us food then?" Questioned the girl who I didn't know the name of.

"Look" I said addressing them all. "We were sort of together before I knew he was... he was a death eater. And he still seems to like me for some reason. I can assure you that I don't. But that clearly isn't stopping him."

"Well no offence but why is he taking a liking to someone like you when he's a death eater?" Asked another boy in the room.

"I don't know, ok?" I responded to him. "All I know is that he still seems set on trying to get me to like him. And it's not going to work. But if it gets us food, I don't know why you are complaining" my comment caused the students to be quiet.

We had just finished incinerating the packaging the bread was in with one of Zacks spells when we heard the door open. The two large beefy boys Crabbe and Goyle entered the room.

They immediately began to antagonise the smaller first years, shoving them and dangling their wands over their head out of their reach. Crabbe stole one of their wands and refused to give it back, laughing as the girl pleaded.

"Crabbe?" I yelled over to him, his attention brought away from the girl and instead to me. "How about you pick on someone your own size instead of stealing an 11 year old's wand you asshole." I stood up from the wooden chair I was sat on, the whole common room watching in anticipation as I walked closer to him. I knew that he didn't have the talent to cast even the lumos charms, his only threatening factor being the size of him.

"You'd better watch your mouth Wright" he said to me with a fat smirk on his face.

"Or else what?" I said to him. Before he had chance to think of a response, I cast a charm that made the first years wand fly until my hand. I handed the wand to the girl and she scurried behind me to join the others.

"What are you playing at girl?" Goyle said whilst walking up to me, puffing out his chest in an attempt to seem more muscular than he was.

"It wasn't yours. I gave it to its rightful owner." I replied to him.

"Well. Disrespecting prefects can land you in serious trouble Wright" Crabbe said, a smirk plastered across his face.

"I'll disrespect you all I want you god damn pig!" I exclaimed at him, I heard a gentle gasp from the first years.

Crabbe took a step forward to me but Goyle held out his arm out to stop him before he could reach me.

"No. We will take her to Snape for this one. She was in trouble a few days ago as well. I'm sure he won't be too pleased with you" Goyle said with a menacing laugh.

I knew that I would be punished, but I didn't care. I must admit that I felt my chest tighten slightly at the thought of what could await me in Snape's office. But I refused to let it show.

"Take me to him. See if I care in the slightest you asshole" I spat at him.

Before I could cast a spell, I felt the hand of Crabbe on the back of the neck of my robes, pulling me roughly. Goyle snatched the wand from my hand - what they lacked in magical ability, they made up for in physical strength. I tried to pull myself free of their grip but failed. Goyle wrapped his hand around my arm harshly, pulling me in the direction of the door. I struggled against them but failed to release myself.

"Get off me!" I screamed at him. The only response I received was a punch from Crabbe. As I was struck across the face I heard Eddie cry out to me, screaming at the two to let me go. I saw Blaize hold him back out of the corner of my eye. I knew Blaize cared for me, but both of us could see that if Eddie interfered, it would only cause more punishments for both of us.

I felt my eye throbbing in my head from where it had been struck. As I brought my robe to my eye, thick blood lay on its surface when I pulled it back.

I heard the murmurs of the others in the common room as I was dragged out and along the corridor, the boys taking me up to Snapes office.


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