Police Partner

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"I'm a trained police officer," Kayden spoke sternly, approaching his step-sister slowly

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"I'm a trained police officer," Kayden spoke sternly, approaching his step-sister slowly. His dark brown eyes pierced into hers. "So if you think that you can just waltz in here and act like the boss, you're lookin' for trouble."

"Oh shut it," Alisa spat. "It's humorous that you're older than me, yet, you're more immature."

Alisa still couldn't understand how her mother could have possibly fallen in love with his father. If Kayden's father was anything like Kayden, who knew. Kayden just rolled his eyes and went back into the car. Alisa stood there with arms crossed, not wanting to cooperate with anybody. Kayden looked at her through his side mirror. He rolled down the window.

"Are you getting in or not?" Kayden shouted impatiently. Alisa scoffed. "Get in the damn car Alisa!"

Alisa wanted to rip her hair out from his annoying voice. But she went along with his words and got into the car. The entire trip back to the police station, she faced away from her step-brother. Ever since they entered each other's lives, they've despised each other. But Kayden hated Alisa worse than she hated him. 

The car remained silent as they pulled up to the station. Alisa got out immediately once the car was parked. Kayden was trying to tell her to wait for him, but she just ignored him and went into the office. Kayden was frustrated with his step-sister. She never listened to him, and never seemed like she was going to.

What made matters worse was that she was now going to be his partner for his next case. Kayden just wished that Alisa wasn't the one who got assigned to him. Alisa stormed into the office, slamming the door shut. Kayden came barging in seconds later.

"Dude, when I tell you stop and wait for me, you actually do it!" Kayden shouted, walking up to Alisa who had sat down in the chair. Alisa propped her feet up onto the desk. "Get your dirty shoes off my desk!" 

Kayden walked up to Alisa and shoved her feet off the table. He wanted to rip her head off, she was acting like a child. 

"You know, I'm going to go get a cup of coffee," Kayden said, turning around. "I need some time away from you, but when I get back, this office better be in good shape."

Kayden huffed at her before storming out of room. She mocked his words as he slammed the door shut. She pulled out her phone to check the time, only to see that she still have five hours left with him. She groaned in frustration and put her phone down on the desk. The door opened, making her eyes swing to see who it was.

"Back already? I guess—"

She paused as she saw that it wasn't Kayden who had entered the room. Her eyes widened as she saw that it was the criminal that she was assigned to case to. She got up out of the seat, but before she could yell for Kayden, the man shot something at her. She shrieked in reaction as the line of electricity struck her.

She watched as the criminal man grew bigger and bigger. She had shrunk straight onto the desk. His eyes widened as she stared at the tiny figure of Alisa. He turned around as he saw someone coming. The criminal put his sunglasses back on and made his way out the door. Alisa gasped as she saw that she had shrunk!

All of a sudden, the door opened back up, but this time around, it was her step-brother. The floor trembled as he shut the door behind him. 

"Alisa?" Kayden's loud voice boomed. She gasped at the large figure of her step-brother. He was completely unaware that she had shrunk on the desk. "Of course she just randomly disappears."

Kayden had a coffee mug inside his hand. His booming steps approached the desk. He put the coffee mug down. Alisa screamed in fear as she saw the glass mug coming her way. She ran as fast as she could and jumped off of the desk, straight onto the chair. She landed harshly, but regretted the decision.

"Alisa! I need you in here to discuss the case!" Kayden shouted, rattling her eardrums. She widened her eyes as she saw a shadow loom over her. She turned around and looked up, only to see that Kayden was pulling the seat out. "Man, where did that stupid girl go?"

Whilst Alisa was screaming for Kayden's attention, he didn't hear a peep. Kayden turned around and lowered himself into the cushiony seat. Kayden's butt was getting bigger and bigger, until she was engulfed into complete darkness. All Alisa could feel was the unreal amount of pressure that was getting put on her as Kayden sat straight on top of her. Her screams were muffled as he got comfortable in the chair.

"What is this? Her phone?" Kayden spoke to himself, picking up her phone that was on the desk. "Hmm, she never leaves her phone behind. Something doesn't seem right."

She tried to hit him, but his weight was too heavy for her to even move. Her tiny body squirmed underneath her step-brother, attempting to get him to move, but he didn't feel nor did he feel a thing.

"You know what, I'll just wait here until she gets back," Kayden said, leaning back in the chair, completely crushing his step-sister into the chair. "I'm sure she's fine."

Kayden felt a little disbelief as he spoke that out loud. He cared a little bit about the safety of his step-sister, but little did he know, he just crushed her beneath him.

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