A chat with Phil

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"Tommy, can you load the dishwasher for me?" Phil said, turning his head slightly to look at me, 'ughhh seriously?? He always asks me to do chores when he wants to talk with someone privately. ISNSJS' I said to myself, groaning and walking towards the kitchen. "Tubbo, can you go with him to make sure he actually does them?" I heard Phil say from the other room, soon followed by footsteps heading towards me.

3rd POV

"Why'd you shoo them away, Phil?" Ghostbur asked, giving Philza a questioning look. "Sorry, I just needed to talk with you both privately" Philza said, lowering his voice so that the two children couldn't hear. Ghostbur got the hint and also lowered his voice before saying "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" Meanwhile 'Clay' was just gripping onto Ghostburs sleeve, not saying anything. "Well... I was wondering. I know since Ghostbur and Glatt both have fuzzy memories, I wanted to ask what 'Clay' remembers." Philza slightly glanced towards 'Clay' when saying that last part. "Oh? Hm, I was also curious, what do you remember Clay?" Ghostbur asked, turning to face the other ghost. "I- well uh, I guess I- no, but, hmmm" 'Clay' kept mumbling to himself, making the two taller males give him a puzzled look. "Ah, uh, alright, Clay- could I get you a Book and Quill to write out your memories?" Ghostbur said after listening to roughly 2 minutes of random mumbling and short sentences that he could hardly make out. "O- oh yeah, I'd like that.." 'Clay' quietly answered, looking down at his open hand as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. "Alright, I'll go get it! Stay here with Philza, alright?" Ghostbur said, running up the stairs go grab the Book and Quill from his bedroom.

"Hello..." 'Clay' said, looking away from his hand to face Philza, who (mind you) had maybe 5 inches over him (I am very aware he's 5'11 irl, but for the plot's sake, I'll make him 6'2). "Do you remember your name?" Philza asked, slightly crouching so he could be eye level with 'Clay'. "What do you mean? My name's Clay." 'Clay' said, tilting his head to the left slightly, looking puzzled. "No, you have another name. Do you remember it?" Philza asked, a little more stern with his wording. "Uh, n- well- sort've? Not really. I only see the color Green, and then a white smile when trying to remember. I don't know why it happens everytime. And then- when I stop trying to remember- my mind fades to black and blanks for a second." 'Clay' said, seemingly thinking hard. "Interesting..." Philza said, making a mental note while standing up from his crouching position.

"I'm back!!" Ghostbur called from the stairs, floating towards the two. "Oh, great. Now, Dr- Clay, could you please write down everything you remember?" Philza said, taking the Book and Quill from Ghostbur, handing it to the smaller male. 'Clay' nodded before taking the book from Philza, beginning to scribble the very few things he remembered onto the rough paper. Once he was done, Philza and Ghostbur began to read through the list.

. . .
Goggl- no. Never mind.
Please.. !!
Please.. ?
The end?
N i g h t m a r e

"Well that sure was... confusing." Philza said, closing the book, handing it to Ghostbur. "Ahah, uh, thank you, Clay. Anything else?" Ghostbur said, the smaller ghost shaking his head 'No'. "Very well, Ghostbur, mind putting that book somewhere where we won't lose it? I want to study it later." Philza turned towards Ghostbur, Ghostbur nodding and running off, probably back to his room.

"PHILLLLL, I'M DONEEEEEEEE" Tommy shouted from the kitchen, running into the living room, causing Dream (screw it I'm calling him Dream.) to flinch and hide behind Phil's fucking massive wings. "Tommy, keep your voice down. You could cause Dre- Clay to accidentally teleport, causing us to lose him." Philza said, scolding Tommy. "Fine, fine." Tommy said, waving his hand infront of him. "Anyways big man, have you seen Techno?" Tommy asked, tilting his head slightly, Dream poked his head out and mimicked the action. "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Techno. Wonder where he is." Philza asked himself, thinking out loud. "Eh" Tommy shrugged, walking off. Probably to go find Techno.

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