mr mysterious and his confession

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karasuno and inarizaki were at match point - "this game is going no where" semi sighs at the scores "i mean look they are tied!"

you didn't really mind in fact your sorta happy at the score board meaning the fact you get to see kita longer - although the game was nice the guy in front of you three seemed too familiar, you just couldn't put your finger on it.

kita was finally put in the game and when you said you were THROBBING you were THROBBING. "JESUS CHRIST"

"y/n calm down-" semi tried to put you down in your seat "THIS IS WHY IM EMBARRASSED TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC WITH YOU-" semi shouts as tendou finally laughs giving you three the attention from others.

semi coughed it off as you three sat back in your seat trying to get that happened... "this wouldnt have happened if you decided to scream" semi scolds as you sarcastically roll your eyes.

ignoring semi your eyes went back to the game "holy shit - kita looks yummy right now" you drooled at the sight of him focus on the game.

"i don't know if i can defend you anymore" tendou sighs.

daichi and kita had this tension knowing the fact they both captain and not letting their teams lowering their guards - kita did his little smirk of his making you melt on the spot.

"can you not fangirl over kita and focus on the game" semi snaps his fingers knowing the fact you were only focus on kita.


"you will" semi says plainly.

"do you not care about my love life?"

"not really. not surprised your still single" semi says while talking a sip from his water.


"it's okay y/n. it's okay to be single" tendou puts his hand on his heart "not everyone is capable of that" tendou says making you wanna throw hands.

unknowingly to you guys daishou and mika were sitting behind you guys - "can you three shush" daishou says finally getting done with your guys bs.



the game finally ended - inarizaki ended up losing , the look on their faces when the volleyball hits the floor , kitas eyes...

you could tell they were aiming to win but at the end of the day only one team could win right?

you, semi, and tendou went down to cheer aran and the team that while you were looking for kita but seems to you three they already went to the locker rooms to changed - "i guess let's meet them at the exit?" tendou suggested as you nod.

"i finally get to meet kita in person" you cheered at yourself - you saw kiyoko packing her packs along with her team on the court all passed out.


"Y/N!" she ran up to you giving you a hug.

"did you cheer for us?" she finally lets go and faces you.

you gulp knowing the fact you were cheering for kita "YEAH!"

"lies- dont act like you didn't scream when kita came..." kiyoko facepalms herself making you chuckle.


before you could finish your sentence the mr mysterious came up and taped your shoulder making you jump a bit - before you turned you head and saw who it was you could see semi and tendous face but it was hard to read.

"y/n" ushijima called you.

"it was ushijima all along huh" you scolded yourself


"we need to talk. let's head out?" he takes your hand without your consent making you frown because you wanted to see kita - i guess plans changed.

"ILL MEET YOU AT THE EXIST Y/N!" semi and tendou shouts while you give him a thumbs up.

the whole walk was awkward - what could he possible need? i mean it was months ago when he rejected you and you've lost your feelings. you wanted to leave that behind but i guess there's some stuff that needs to be discussed.

"y/n" ushijima starts off making you more curious , ushijima had this light shade of pink of his cheeks making you gulp knowing where this is going...

"i like you."

little did you know - inarizakis captain was listening behind the doors the whole time...


hey guys! another cliffhanger

HA 😩

so i have a few questions for you guys !

after when this book is completed i'm thinking of making an oikawa or suna book so choose

oikawa or suna ?

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