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exam week, yay? you were currently studying with the team expect ushijima who's obviously probably practicing volleyball as you all study.

you were currently helping shirabu with chemistry. this kid amazed you on how smart he was , you were smart as well but this kid was on a whole different level.

even though he's ahead on all his classes theres one class he always seems to fail but your good at, chemistry.

"y/n please help me!" shirabu bows at a 90 degree angle making the others laugh.

you raise an eyebrow "sorry mr. smarty pants arent you better than me?" you tease as he roll his eyes.

"please your better than me at chemistry!" he finally admitted as you chuckle.

"THATS MORE LIKE IT! TENDOU YOU OWE NE FIVE BUCKS I TOLD YOU HE WOULD ADMIT IT!" you cheer as you put your hands out for the money.

"way to go shirabu- there goes my five bucks" tendou side eyed shirabu has shirabu shrugs it off.

"i'll be back shirabu stay here i gotta go get my notes" you left your phone and your backpack back with the others as you head to to your dorms for your other notes.

the first mistake was leaving your phone with the others your second mistake was trusting tendou and shirabu together with your belongings.

shirabu and tendou working together is a whole different story - good luck to you.

"y/n-san left her phone here." shirabu pointed at your backpack what seems to be making sounds of notification bells.

"someone must be texting her" kawanishi states as tendous and shirabus face turns into smirks.

"you two better not do anything stupid i swear" semi says almost sounding like he's done with their bs.

"we won't semisemi!" tendou sneakily opened your backpack and handed shirabu the phone


y/n wanna help me with homework?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

y/n wanna help me with homework?

sorry if your busy

i don't wanna bother you-

aran told me your good with chemistry, it's sorta the subject i need help on right now

yeah she is.



what are you doing with her phone

the problem is what are you doing texting her?


y/n is tutoring me right now

are you her boyfriend?

soon to be .



shirabu and tendou laugh at kitas messages "y/n he's a keeper"

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

shirabu and tendou laugh at kitas messages "y/n he's a keeper"

"who's a keeper" you said behind them

you look to see that shirabu is holding your phone "WHY DID I EVEN LEAVE MY STUFF HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?"

shirabu and tendou handed you your phone to prevent any scoldings from you

"fuck you both. i wonder why they were doing" you turn off your phone and kept on helping shirabu with his chemistry homework.


"kita?" aran asked his captain - it was after school practice and their captain looks like he's seen a ghost.

"earth to kita?" atsumu waves his hands back and forth trying to gain attention.

"what happens to him-" suna asked as he was the last one to enter the gym with osamu right behind him.

"his dumbass tried to find shortcut and ended up getting us both lost..." osamu states making aran unfazed.

aran sighs and turns his head back to kita "you-"

"does y/n have a boyfriend? or does anyone like her?" kita says while looking down at his shoes.

"well she's still single, and she's pretty famous with the boys at shiratorizawa... why?"

"just wondering thats all?"

"she's smart, manager for the volleyball team, caring and pretty?" suna plainly says making kita look up at him.


"what- not like that but you know."

kita sighs in relief making aran smirk knowing where he's coming from.

"don't worry kita , but lemme tell ya this , take her before anyone else does" aran and the rest packed up their bags leaving kita keep in thought.

"what is that suppose to mean?"




one. shirabu only likes you as a FRIEND he was only doing that to make kita jealous

two. kita is slowly realizing his feelings for you (finally)


bye mwah

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