What Aomine wants... (pt 1)

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"Oh chill out Y/N! You've got sooo many, plenty to share~..." Aomine mockingly plead as you try to get YOUR fries back.

"GIMME GIMME GIMME C'MON! You said you didn't want any!! You could've just ordered your own!" You beg as Aomine grabs another fistful and stuffs his face.

This is how it's always been, every time you and Aomine get food, he always ends up eating at least half of your share as well as his own. This should've made you change your ways of ordering to fit his large appetite... but as with many other things, you let them slide for the mere chance of having fun, fighting banter with the boy. Many years of being friends has unfortunately also been accompanied of you having a crush on the boy.

"Whatever Daiki. I'll just order some more and EAT THEM AT HOME! Far away from you..." You tease as you guys are getting up from the table.

"Oh yeah? And who said I won't be there to steal 'em too, huh?" He says as he tauntingly towers over you and nudges you with his shoulder, smirking... You feel your face heating up and you nervously fidget with your jacket zipper.

But before you could even process the teasing, he's back to normal, talking about basketball and whatnot. Totally unaffected and on his way out.

"Are you coming or what Y/N?" He asks as if he hadn't just scrambled your head...

You run to catch up and accept that everything's back to normal. Friends just talking about nothing... Friends...

As you guys are walking home, you chuckle to yourself for even thinking that you guys could be anything more than you are now... oh well...

{the next day}

You're walking into the gym, looking for Aomine. You guys have a study date today and you're supposed to meet him after his practice and you guys are gonna go to your place. Study dates are a frequent thing, well it's more of a "helping Aomine get a passable grade" date than a study date... you and him do this a lot...

But you can't spot him anywhere, the basketball court is empty and no one is in sight. He's always late, but today hasn't been a good day, so your already irritated and Aomine's non presence is making you irritated as hell. You do not have the energy for this right now...


You turn around to a friendly Ryo Sakurai. Finally! SOMEONE!

"Oh thank god Sakurai" you say stressed "...have you seen Aomine?"

"Oh yeah, well no... but I think he might be in the changing room..." Sakurai helps.

"Thank you thank you thank you!!" You ramble over your shoulder as you head over to the boys changing room.


"Hey!" You react.

You look up, it's Aomine.

"You know that's the BOYS room, right? You can't exactly go in there." He says nonchalantly, pointing to the room you were about to enter.

"Oh shut up... You weren't anywhere to be found! I waited for you where we were supposed to meet! And you-" You start but get interrupted.

"Oh princess..." he looks down on you. "You couldn't wait for five minutes to see me?" He smirks. "You wanna go on a romantic dinner date too? Maybe see a movie? You want some flowers?" He pouts mockingly, like he's making fun of you for even caring.

Nope. You're done. You explode.

"Aomine! I waited for well over five minutes! And I'm the one helping YOU, remember?!" You know you're going too hard on him, but this is not a day that you want any of his degrading comments. "Don't call me princess and I would NEVER go on a date with you. Geez Aomine check your attitude once in a while..."

Aomine just stands there, with an unaffected face. He really doesn't care does he...? Wow...

"Look, I'm sorry, okay... can't we just go...?" He says in monotone.

You accept his apology and you guys head to your place. You talk about nothing on the way there and it's noticeable that both of you just wanna go back to normal. So you do.

As Aomine walks next to you, he can't help but feel hurt. He doesn't quite understand it himself, but he keeps repeating what you said... "I would NEVER go on a date with you." He did say that stuff about dating as a joke, but he can't stop thinking about what you said... He pushes the thoughts to the back of his mind and keeps talking to you. You're almost at her place now.

{an hour in of studying}

"So you get it? You just carry the X and then subtract it!" You teach.

"Yeah I understand..." But he doesn't, his mind is elsewhere... What you said earlier keeps repeating itself in his head and it's driving him crazy.

You obviously notice his lack in trying, but don't really read into it, since he never really cares about studies anyways. So you focus on your own homework and leave him to it. You two sit there opposite of each other on the floor, quietly, as the minutes go by.


"Y/N..." he says very carefully, breaking the silence.

To be continued...

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