"Subtract?" Brittany asked hesitantly.

"That's right Brit-Brit! You got it. So, 29-5 is...?"


"Perfect! Now we just gotta see how many times 8 fits into 3 to work out what B is, because remember when the letter is next to the number like that, it means they multiply together".

"Santana, I am not going to ask you again to stop talking. If you carry on, I'm going to be forced to move you." said Mr Martin, a firm expression covering his face.

Santana simply glared at him, and as soon as he turned his attention from her and onto another student, she focused back on Brittany. There was no way she was going to just leave Brittany to struggle with this. Brittany needed her help.

"So, count on your fingers Brit if you need to, how many times does 8 fit into 24?"

She waited patiently for Brittany to finish counting, admiring the adorable manner in which Brittany stuck out her tongue to concentrate.

"3 times?" Brittany asked, voice wavering with uncertainty again.

"That's it! That's your answer. So, B=3" Santana chimed enthusiastically, as she leaned over to write the answer on Brittany's worksheet "See Brit-Brit, you can do it! You can do anything you put your mind to".

Just as Brittany was about to thank her best friend who appeared to beaming with pride, they were interrupted by the bellowing voice of Mr Martin.

"Right, Santana Lopez! Twice I have warned you now to stop talking to Brittany, and both times you have ignored me. Clearly you can't be trusted to sit beside each other. I'd like you to go over there and sit next to Nathaniel please".

Santana suddenly felt the rage inside her at the thought of not being able to sit next to Brittany. Especially when Brittany often needed her.

"No chance!" she shouted back "I'm not moving next to him. No way".

"Well, it's either that or the principal's office I'm afraid, you've had your chances".

Santana ignored the worried look on Brittany's face and the hand that tried to calm her as she carried on shouting.

"I'm staying right here in my seat in case I need to help Brittany. That's all I was trying to do; I was trying to help her. It's not like we were talking about fun things".

"Well, if Brittany needs any help, she can put up her hand like everybody else does. Now move please Santana, or it's a demerit and a trip to Mrs Lane's office".

Santana grabbed her things in fury.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a terrible teacher, Brittany wouldn't need any help in the first place!"

"Right, that's a demerit and up to Mrs Lane for you".

But Santana was already on her way out the door. If she had to get a demerit and explain to Mrs Lane why she was talking, then so be it, but she wasn't going to sit next to anybody else in the class apart from Brittany.

"I know Brit, I get it. We share the same genes, so I shouldn't be so surprised that she's got a little attitude, but you know how hard I've tried to make sure she didn't turn out like that".

"Baby come on. We've talked about this. I've told you before that it's not a bad thing if she does turn out like you, you're being way too hard on yourself" Brittany soothed "And for what it's worth, I think you're being a little too hard on her. So, she's answering back a little bit at school? But she's still a good kid San. She's in fifth grade, her last year of elementary school. She's probably just trying to push the boundaries a bit, that's all. Most kids do it".

Brittana- Invisible StringTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon