"An hour maybe two before it gets interesting."

Sirius nodded and watched the Dark Lord stride to his fireplace and floo away before turning to Remus and Jasper. "Let's go see how Hari and Nessie are doing and wake the healer."

"Renesmee is fine," Carlisle informed them as the four men walked upstairs to Hari's room. "Shook up a bit still, but otherwise okay. She had a burn but we heal quickly. Edward, Bella and Jacob are cossetting her."

They arrived to find the women already there trying to calm the healer who had awoke hysterical.

"Oh for Merlin sake!" Hari was shouting. "You've been in his home twice now and he hasn't cast even a stinging hex at you!"

"Perhaps yelling is not the best option for the healer or the baby." Esme murmured as the door opened and the men walked in.

Hari took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

Healer Anston was pressed into the corner shaking, eyes wide with fright. Her eyes darted to the doorway taking in the men standing there.

"Tom flooed to Westmoor to gather his followers and ensure no one else even thinks of harming you or the child." Sirius stated as he walked over to ease down on the edge of the bed. He glanced at the healer. "I know it was a shock discovering who Lord Slytherin is, but if you could calm down enough to finish healing me I'd appreciate it."

Healer Anston stared at him. She swallowed convulsively several times. "Are you a...a..."

"Death Eater?" Sirius shook his head. "No. None of us are."

"Perhaps I can look at your injuries, Lord Black." Carlisle moved toward him. "I am a surgeon. I can stitch up any..."

"Stitch! Stitch! That's barbaric!" Healer Anston spluttered moving forward toward Sirius.

Carlisle smiled gently and retreated.

The healer cast a quick diagnostic then began knitting the flesh together. She gave him another blood replenisher and a skele-grow for the hair line fractures to several bones. "You should go to bed for six hours, Lord Black."

"I will in a bit. Right now Jasper and I are going to help ensure my goddaughter and grand-godbaby's safety." Sirius bussed Hari on the cheek, moved to give Brianne a quick kiss and strode out of the room with Jasper.

"Maria," Hari murmured when the healer just stared after the two men.

The use of her first name shocked her enough to turn her attention back to Hari.

"He isn't Voldemort any longer. Tom Riddle is...I won't say a sweet, gentle man...but he isn't the terrifying psychopath that Voldemort was. He has regained himself. He truly loves me and our child. He isn't going to hurt you."

Healer Anston took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. "I...I don't know if I can..."

"I understand. I'll need you to give an oath not to tell anyone any information on us whether you continue to see us or not."

"Perhaps some tea," Alice murmured. "That is what you British do when stressed right? Drink tea?"

Hari chuckled then groaned as still healing injuries protested. "Yes, we do tea."

"You need to rest, Lady Potter." The healer murmured automatically.

"Surely I can rest on the sofa."

Healer Anston's lips thinned, but she nodded agreement.

"I'll carry you down to the salon while Esme fixes a tea service." Leah stated. "Seth is probably worried sick but afraid to brave a bedroom filled with women."

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