"And you were in which house?" Carlisle asked curiously.

"Gryffindor." She replied dragging her gaze away from her tormentor.

"How do they chose which house you go to?" Renesmee asked.

"The Sorting Hat. It reads your personality, thoughts, ambitions. Hufflepuffs value hard work, patience, justice and loyalty. Ravenclaws intelligence, creativity, learning and wit. Gryffindors courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. Slytherins ambition, cunning, resourcefulness and leadership. At least that is what they are supposed to be about." She muttered the last bitterly. She inhaled and blew out a breath. "Notice the ceiling," she pointed upward. "It is spelled to reflect the sky. It's particularly spectacular when a fierce storm is raging. The rain and lightning are very realistic. "Sirius," she called out loudly. "We're moving on."

Several heads swiveled her way.


"Is that Potter?"

"She looks older?"

"How could she look grown when she's just sixteen?"

"What's she doing here?"

The whispers became a wave of noise repeating her name, asking questions about why she was here, how dare she show her face, did the headmaster know she was here – on and on until Professor Flitwick called them down.

"Lady Potter, Headmaster Pfeiffer is aware that you are here?"

"Yes, Professor. He greeted us at the door."

"Very well."

"She left. Ran! She shouldn't be allowed in the castle!"

"And you all wanted to hide behind me." Hari sneered. "None of you had any intention of fighting for your own lives but were more than willing to toss me out there to die!"

"You were the prophesized one!"

"That didn't mean I had to fight his whole bloody army by myself! Merlin you all sat around painting your nails and playing Quidditch and expected me to fight all the death eaters and Voldemort! Screw you all!"

"Enough!" Flitwick called them down again. "I for one hope you are happier and healthier where you are now than you were, Lady Potter. If you have time, I would like to catch up."

Hari took a deep breath and exhaled. "I'll try professor. Thank you."

As soon as Sirius and Remus reached them they exited the hall. "Down those stairs is the dungeons. Slytherin dormitories, Potions classrooms. Not safe to go down there without Professor Snape. That way," she pointed to another set of downward stairs, "leads to Hufflepuff dorms and the kitchens."

"We are on the seventh floor," she said and started up the stairs.

"Was it like that when you were a student here." Esme asked in a quietly furious voice.


"Whoa!" Seth and Emmett exclaimed when the stairs shifted on them.

Brianne squeaked in surprise.

"Oh, yeah...the stairs move." Sirius told them belatedly as he held onto Brianne. She swatted him playfully.

Finally, they made it to the seventh floor and the Fat Lady. She stared at them imperiously. "Password?"


Her eyes narrowed. "None of you are students or staff."

Remus stepped forward. "You remember me. I was the Defense Professor."

Potter in ForksWhere stories live. Discover now