"Tom!" Hari screamed, her magic welling up to the surface and starting to stream outward only to hit the wards. She screamed in fear. If Jacob killed her Tom, she'd rip the wolf into tiny pieces!

Tom flung a Flipendo at the wolf and Jacob was flung back hard to crash into the far wall. Tom jumped to his feet. A hissed spell stopped the bleeding from the long gash. Jacob gained his feet with a shake of his large head. He snarled at the wizard and attacked again. Tom hit him with a cutting curse and a bludgeoning hex knocking the wolf back on his side. He hit him with several more dark, vicious spells leaving the wolf bleeding and whining in pain. A reducto broke his arm above the elbow. Then Tom sent legano compresso and strands of magic wrapped around him squeezing tighter and tighter until he let out an agonizing howl of pain as his ribs gave and broke.

Tom ended the curse and hissed, "crucio". He watched dispassionately as the wolf twisted and jerked, howling with pain.

Nessie was screaming at Tom to stop.

Finally, he ended the curse. "Change," he snapped out coldly.

Jacob lay there panting in agony like he had never felt before. At the snapped out order from one clearly superior, he felt himself changing without hesitation. He cried out as broken bones protested. He lay there staring at the wizard in fear.

Tom strode over and gazed down at him without sympathy. "I am the most feared, most vicious Dark Lord in the last four hundred years. People fear me so much they refuse to even speak my name in case it draws my attention to them. It will not be long before I am ruling all of magical Britain. You are nothing but an arrogant child who thinks way too highly of himself. Understand that the only thing I care more about than ruling is my Hari. You are currently making her very unhappy which means you are on my shit list. If I can ride that idiotic bus and be amused at my Hari's behavior than you can ride it with some small modicum of decorum. Straighten out your attitude problem, Jacob Black or our next talk will make this one seem pleasant."

Tom turned and stalked out of the room leaving the young shifter laying on the floor panting and twitching in fear and pain.

"Jacob!" Nessie darted past Tom with a terrified glare and into the room dropping to her knees beside Jacob. "Jacob," she kept repeating as she cried and helped him to his feet. Jacob was shaking and pale. His entire body was in agony. His nerves felt like they were on fire and his broken bones throbbed. Never had he hurt like this. Not even in the few battles he had with the vampires had his injuries hurt like this!

Tom reached the others and eyed the Cullens who were looking solemn and the shifters that looked furious at the beating he'd just given their alpha yet uncertain as to what to do about it before shifting his attention to Hari. "Mad at me?"

"No. I kept saying he'd get his ass whooped one day." She said shaking her head.

Tom drew her into his embrace. He looked at Sirius. "I apologize for losing my temper in your home."

Sirius shook his head. "I don't agree with the method but he needed the lesson. We'll heal him up in a little while."

Leah and Seth were staring at Tom with a mix of shocked horror, respect and anger at torturing their Alpha.

Tom settled his red eyed gaze on Leah. "You need to let go of your attitude as well. Perhaps your life has been hard and not what you wished it to be, but these people are going out of their way to help you and you are being ungrateful and self-pitying. Grow up and quit whining and instead work on finding a solution." He paused and took a deep breath. Exhaling, he looked down at Hari. "I have to go. I need to get updates on the maneuvers within the ministry and Wizengamot. I also have to firm up some alliances and take up my seat if I am going to ensure that I will win the upcoming elections once Fudge is voted out."

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