So an expose on the past five years at Hogwarts would possibly do the trick?


First year: Quirrell, Philosopher's Stone, three- headed dog, troll

Second year: Gilderoy Lockhart, Basilisk, possessed Diary

Third year: Escaped mass murderer, dementors, werewolf

Fourth year: polyjuiced Death Eater, Tri-Wizard Cup a portkey

Fifth year: Umbridge using a Blood Quill for detention

That...that would probably do it.

Hari could feel the regret he felt.

I am sorry for threatening you. My pride was...pricked.

Because Malfoy witnessed me defying you?

Yes. I should have expected it though. You never did respond well to demands.

Alice says we are both going to react badly at times since neither of us have experience at being in a relat...

Relationship. Are we, my Hari? In a relationship?

He could feel her emotions running wild - fear of revealing too much; fear of not revealing enough. Desire, caution, excitement, worry and others he couldn't decipher whipped around her in a frenzy that made his breath catch. Finally...

I have no clue what we are doing. You infuriate me and make me happy at the same time.

Yes. I want to hex you and bed you.

Hari dropped her head to the desk with a slightly hysterical laugh. A relationship...with Riddle. Merlin! He was what....eighty?

Seventy...end of the month. Twenty-seven in this body.

Out of my head!

Tom's warm laughter slid through her making her shiver with pleasure.

You did not mind me being either seventy or in you the other night.

Hari sucked in a sharp breath at the bold statement. She flushed as the sentence brought back in vivid detail the sensations of him pressing her to the mattress as he filled her so exquisitely.


Come back to my bed, Hari. It is cold and uninviting at the moment.

I already promised my friend I'd see a movie tonight.

The short-lived shifter?

Stop it. Seth is just a friend.

A friend much closer in age and way too handsy.

I am not having this conversation with you. I will not be isolated. I will not be told who I can be friends with. Either trust me or don't.

Anger burned through the link for a moment then...


Yes. Like I will have to trust that when I'm not there you will not be shagging Bellatrix or Barty or Alison Norstrum or Angelina Johnson or Zacharias...

Enough. I get your point. How many of my followers have you seen me shagging?

Plenty. You have quite thoroughly educated me on things I never wanted to know about and I've seen way too many of your followers' bodies especially during Beltane.

He chuckled softly in her head.

Hari felt him lurking in the back of her mind later when she went to the Cullens to pick up Nessie. She felt the burn of aggravation then relief as he realized she was going with Nessie not Seth.

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