She fanned her face with her hand as a blush took over her rosy cheeks.

"Oh, what a kind young man you are." She said," Well, before I forget my actual reason for coming here. I came to invite, well actually call you down for dinner. The ladies told me that you didn't have lunch today, which is unacceptable, so I came to ensure that you do go down for dinner." She sternly said, in a motherly tone that left no space for arguments.

I smiled and raised my hands up in surrender," Of course, Miss Sophia. I was just so exhausted when I got here that a nap was unavoidable." I explained.

"Alright," She sighed, before smiling at me, " I take it you'll want to freshen up first, so I'll leave you to that. You'll find me in the kitchen, then I'll take you to the dining room for supper."

"Thanks Miss Sophia." I smiled in gratitude.

She waved me off with a kind smile," Oh hush, please just Sophie will do, Sweetheart. Now, off with you." She shooed as she got off the bed and made her way to the door." I'm expecting you down in 30." She said, before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

She's definitely right, I need a shower. I got off the bed and made my way towards the bathroom to take a quick shower that only lasted for about 7 minutes before applying some of my scentless lotion. I then pulled on a new, clean pair of boxers and my outfit while letting my hair air dry because I didn't know where to get a hairdryer and I didn't want to bother anyone with asking.

I made the bed, before exiting the room and jogging downstairs to the kitchen. Chattering had me stopping outside the kitchen and shamefully eavesdrop.

"I'm telling you, if that girl doesn't start dating him, I'm gonna kill her." Came Blake's voice.

"Right. He's so kind looking." Agreed an unfamiliar voice.

"Trust me, he is and don't forget his looks. The man's looks are dynamite." Came Sophia's voice in agreement.

"Plus as much as I'd never admit it to Miss Williams, I can see that she's always longed for a man. Someone that will love her and Emma. She might always try to ignore it, but it's as clear as day." Said a familiar voice.

Wait, Miss Williams? They're talking about Lenora? Who are they matchmaking her with?

What is this negative feeling I'm feeling?

As if you don't know what it is.

Shut up, subconscious. There's no way I'm going to admit to feeling that feeling. Not now, not ever.

Seeing as I've had enough eavesdropping, I decided to make my presence known and I walked into the kitchen, instantly stopping all the chatter and turning everyone's attention to me.

"Hello Mr London. I hope you had a lovely, restful nap. "Blake asked with a polite smile.

"Yes, I did. Thank you for asking." I awkwardly smiled. The feeling of everyone's eyes on me, made me so uncomfortable that I just wished I could become invisible.

"Well, how about I introduce you to the staff?" Offered Sophia with the same kind smile as earlier, soothing some of my nerves a bit. "So, you already met Blake, the housekeeper in training, also known as my niece." She pointed to Blake who threw me a friendly smile," Then we have Cleo, the maid," She pointed to a shy looking woman, who gave me a barely noticeable smile," Then lastly we have the chef, Penelope, whom we all call Penny."

"Hello there, Hon. Good to meet you." Penny kindly smiled.

"Good to meet you too." I smiled back, my smile a bit more shaky and awkward than hers, but definitely far from insincere.

My Cadillac Billionaire (Excerpt)Where stories live. Discover now