"I'm okay, thanks for asking." He weakly smiled but I could easily read through his lie.

"Are you sure?" I asked with a smile that I had no doubt showed my concern.

He dodged my eyes and instead looked at the green trees in the distance and after a few seconds of silence, I knew he had no intention to respond which for some reason had my heart dropping at his silent rejection. So I guess he'll just ignore me. I made my way to leave, but stopped in my tracks as his soft, weak voice suddenly spoke.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked, looking up at me.

My heart skipped a beat as dread settled in my stomach at the fear of having been found out as I perked up, but I immediately declined," No. At least I don't think so."

He simply sighed as he relaxed back into the chair, closing his eyes before opening them up and looking up at me," I'm grateful for your concern, Ma'am, but I'm alright. You can enjoy your day, please don't concern yourself with the likes of me." He said with his rough, hoarse voice. He must have been crying for a while.

"I don't think so. Anything that's enough to make one cry is never something miniscule." I stubbornly said," Look, I know you probably want me out of your hair, but I just can't leave. I myself don't know why I'm here meddling in your business instead of minding mine, but here I am. I want to help, even if I will be used as a shoulder to cry on or a listener to vent out to." I weakly said.

His emerald orbs never wavering from mine throughout my whole rant, except when he closed them and ran his hand through his hair before patting the vacant seat next to him.

"I just divorced my wife of five years and she took everything away from me." He began. My heart merely melted in my chest sympathy, pity and a bit of sadness." She was a stay at home wife, and had no form of employment as far as I was concerned, but a couple of months ago the cops knocked at our front door and luckily I was the one to get the door. They were looking for my wife." He paused, never turning to look at me but instead the trees in the distance.

"Turns out she was involved in fraudulent activities. I of course defended her, but no, she admitted that it was true, I was broken but most importantly in denial. My sweet wife involved in crime, never and the next thing I know, all my things are being repossessed to pay back for her crimes and debts. I was drained to the last cent, then you know what happened?" He tearfully snickered," She filed for divorce and told me that she never loved me. Leaving me without a second glance. Basically leaving me for dead, leaving me to fend for myself. As soon as the word got out about my wife, I lost my job. The place I had slaved away for the past 8 years. I lost it like I just got it yesterday. And that's my story."

That 'story' left me out of breath. I was left in bewilderment, in disbelief and mostly in sympathy and sorrow for this broken man. He has been through a lot.

"I did everything for her, from working until late just so we could get the best to paying for anything she wanted without question, just to find out that I was just a pawn in her game. A backup plan." He whispered, his voice cracking and getting less audible with every word.

I had him in my arms in an instant as sobs racked his body. Sobs full of sorrow, loss and undeniable heartbreak. He must have cared for her a great deal...what am I saying, the poor man loved her with all his heart and she betrayed him and used him.

"Aren't you going to ask what she did?" He hiccupped, his voice sounding so vulnerable, like a child who had lost all hope.

"You can tell me if you want to, but you're not at all obligated to do so. I mean, you even telling me this is not easy on you, so why would I want to cause you any more pain?" I softly asked.

My Cadillac Billionaire (Excerpt)Where stories live. Discover now