Onward-Chapter 7

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Don't own this picture.(or any if the other pictures .)
Thx for the reads guys. I thought no one find this. Sorry it's taking along time to update.

Links POV

"So who is this friend?" "You would know her as the goddess Hylia" "The goddess??!!" He just nods while we keep walking.

-time skip-

"This is the borderline of Hyrule..." "Yep. Why would we stay in Hyrule to be swarmed by people." He said very annoyed "...okay... so maybe some people would be a little crazy..." he just chuckled a bit. After a long silence it became very dark. I soon could not see anything in front of me but he acted like it was still daylight. "How can you see so well?" I couldn't see him but I could tell he looked back. "Use a torch." "As funny as it sounds I don't have one on me" and with that he handed me a lit torch "where did you get that?!" I asked a little concerned while looking at the torch in my hand. "Does it matter? You can see now right?" I nodded.

It's been hours and hours of walking on paths I'm to used to.

(Y/n)s POV

I'm still stuck in a cell sometimes I hear screams of pain and the smell of blood becomes fresh again. I don't know when it will be my turn but I'm ready for death the last face I saw was Links so my last memories will be fine. "Ahhhh!!!..." another muffled scream fills my ears and my body shivers while my mind is scared and trying to tell my body to run but it can't. The floor is cold and hard the smell is foul but I'm so tired it doesn't bother me. Before I fall asleep there's one more scream and then silence.

??? POV

She finally fell asleep its been almost a full day of me watching her when she's asleep she cant do anything so I dont have to worry about her escaping. But I mean I always have a guard at her cell door but the monsters are such idiots. Now to wait for her father... hmmmm now that I have his weakness he will be dead in the first 5 minutes he steps foot in here.

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