Part 18 (little editing)

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I eventually dozed off as I laid there in the bed. Sleeping wasn't going to get me anywhere but it would at least let me get away from everything that was happening. I just wanted to live out my life peacefully. That's it. I thought I was a human but I found out I had wolf in me this whole entire time it was just dormant. I dreamed of a place so beautiful only I would've thought I could dream of such a beautiful place. I lived in a nice big house in the middle of a large forest with a little girl. My daughter. She had the same short black hair as me but her eyes were blue. I was showing her the lands around us. To the north were mountains, south held lush green fields, the east was a coastline with a spectacular beach but the west... It was bare. Why was it bare? The ground was nothing but dirt. A few spare dead trees were scattered about and there was a hill. Something was telling me to go to the hill. I walked to it curiously all the while still wondering why this part of my dream was not as beautiful as the rest. Once I got to the hill I was horrified as to what I saw. There were hundreds of wolves rushing toward us. I grabbed my daughter's hand and turned around but in the way stood a large male that was older than me with violet eyes. He said something but I couldn't hear him then he grabbed my arm and then I heard him say "You'll be safe with me" I could only nod as I turned to look back at the wolves rushing up the hill. When I looked away again I was standing outside a cave that was bright with crystals. "Are you coming to Zania?" the male asked and I blinked confused looking at my daughter who said, "We can't go home, momma..." "Who are you?" I asked the male looking back at him and he smirked then said "Forgive me. I am Emanuel" "Where are we?" I asked and he blinked saying "Within my pack lands. No one knows of our existence. Not yet anyhow. You and your unborn daughter will be safer here than with the wolves you are amongst now" I didn't understand what he was talking about but everything started to slowly fade away. "Tell me Zania. Do you wish to die by the hands of the ones you love or be protected by a total stranger who is offering help?" Emanuel asked now and I shook my head not really understanding and said "I will not die. I am going to run away" "They will catch you and you know it. Tell you what, though. I shall be coming very soon. Come with me" I started to answer but everything started to get darker and then everything was gone. 

I woke up with a jump seeing Aiden looking at me with a worried expression. I sat up quickly saying "What do you want?" "You were talking in your sleep. Said something about an Emanuel" he answered. I rubbed my eyes then growled saying "I don't know any Emanuel" and then got up to go to the bathroom when he grabbed my arm and said "Zania. Don't trust him" I looked back at him saying "What?" "Whatever he said. It's not true. You must stay here so we can protect you" he said and I frowned pulling my arm away growling "Just leave me alone. I told you I don't know any Emanuel." I turned and hurried to the bathroom and shut the door locking and leant against it. I listened to him walk out the room then go downstairs and said "I think Emanuel is trying to reach her." "Then word is travelling faster than we expected. We have to make sure she does not find out about him. If we do...all is lost" I heard Joelle say now. "Keep her busy. Make sure she has at least two guards around at all times. Even outside her door", the male from yesterday said. I thought for a moment. What weren't they telling me and who was this Emanuel? I closed my eyes trying to picture my dream for a moment but all I could get was the wolves rushing up the hill and then grabbing my daughter's hand and turning around. I growled frustrated and then looked in the mirror at myself. I looked horrible. I turned on the hot water and let it run then went back out into the room over to a closet and opened it up. It had all kinds of outfits in it that were just my size as well as any other things I may as well have needed eventually. How did Aiden even know? I grabbed some baggy shorts and a grey t-shirt and everything else I needed and went back to the bathroom. I slid in the warm water and sighed relaxing. It felt so good. Suddenly my thoughts went to my pack. I wondered if Junior was looking for me. Would he look for me? He didn't want to have children yet let alone a demon child. A rush of sadness hit me and I cried softly. My life was ruined! I was going to die. I held my head down then started to think of a way to escape all the while still crying. I couldn't stop it. 'Such a pretty face should not be stained with tears' I heard in my mind. I gasped and looked around the bathroom and said 'You. Who are you really? My cousin and the elders know who you are' I answered back mentally. 'The council is not fond of my kind Zania. Talk about hiding. My pack and I are the ones who have been hiding our true selves for years.' Emanuel answered. 'I don't understand' I said starting to bathe myself. 'You will in due time. Have you made your decision?' he asked. I shook my head saying 'I...I don't know. You could be just saying what I want to hear and do just the opposite of what you have said' He chuckled and I shivered. Even his chuckle sounded nice. 'You are a smart female. But I promise on your daughter's life that I would not harm you in any way, shape or form.' he said and I frowned to myself 'Also could be a lie' 'Stubborn aren't you?' he asked. And I scoffed saying 'Get out of my head' '......As you wish m'lady. Though there was something I needed to tell you...' 'Tell me what?' I asked curiously now. 'A large pack...bigger than your cousin's is...' he started then his presence was gone. 'Emanuel?' I said but got no answer. I heard the boards outside the bathroom door creak and I growled "Can't I take a bath in peace Aiden!" I got no answer and got out and got dressed and walked out brushing my hair. I froze seeing two male guards in the pack dead on the floor. My voice got caught in my throat then I saw some blue orbs come up from their bodies for a moment then I let out a piercing scream. Then in another moment, Aiden was at my door saying "Zania?! What's..." he trailed off and then covered my eyes saying "Don't look at them Zania" He started leading me out and we went downstairs and I caught movement out the corner of my eye. "Aiden there's...." I started and a few normal wolves blocked the front door. "Who are you!?" Aiden yelled and I moved aside the staircase as he said "Zania run!" I turned and fled quickly down the hallway and out a back door. It was dark outside now. I could hear yelling and screaming inside the house and I hurried into the trees as three males rushed out the house after me. A howl split the air and I ran faster and jumped into my wolf form. I was glad Aiden had made it so I could shift to and from it. The forest rushed past me quickly but somehow I wasn't able to lose the males and even a few more had joined in on catching me. I found myself getting tired now but I couldn't stop. I tripped and tumbled over the ground and started to get up and a large male pinned me down. 'We've been looking for you.' he said to me and I growled scratching at his belly and then yelped as another male bit into my leg as well as a third caught my ear. I whimpered closing my eyes. I didn't want to die! I snarled opening my eyes again and the male went flying with the other two males. I felt like absolutely nothing as I stood up. 'You Fools!' I snapped as they surrounded me. I chuckled and the wind started to howl around us and I lifted a few male wolves into the air and they started to gasp for air. I was cutting off their air supply. They stopped moving and I let them drop to the ground. One male leapt at me from behind and I turned stopping him mid-air and looked at him then made him fly into another. By now some more wolves had come and the wind stopped blowing. I was tired. I blinked my eyes a couple times panting and heard 'All tuckered out' I looked at him as he and others closed in on me. I flattened my ears and the male and his friends leapt at me. This was it. This was where I and my unborn child would die. I shut my eyes bracing myself but nothing happened. I opened my eyes seeing them all laid out on the ground dead. I breathed in then heard "Decided yet m'lady?" I turned quickly seeing Emanuel and then heard 'Zania! Don't!' I looked back seeing Aiden coming up. He was covered in blood. 'You've been lying to me. You said I was safe' I growled and he stopped saying 'It was for your own good cousin' 'Don't call me your cousin! He saved my life and offered me protection' I yelled back and he snarled 'He's lying!' "I would not lie to her. Not if I needed to in which I have no reason for dear Aiden. I've known she wasn't going to be safe here for a while. I'm offering her and her child safety. Your pack is exposed. Mine is not. Not yet that is" Emanuel said. Aiden bared his teeth yelling 'GET AWAY FROM HER!' and rushed forward quickly. I found myself rushing forward and pinned him down yelling 'NO!' He stared up at me then another member from his pack picked me up in his human form and started rushing away. I snarled feeling my body heat up and the male dropped me. He started screaming pain and I stood up watching him catch fire and then I saw Aiden rushing at me and I made him fly into a tree. He coughed looking up dazed and my body turned back to its normal temperature and I said 'I'm going with him. You're not telling me something and he will give me answers. I'm sorry but I can't stay here anymore either. It's not safe.' '...W...wildfire. Don't...' he started trying to stand and I turned walking away and heard "You are coming?" Emanuel said appearing beside me and I jumped away surprised and said 'Yes. Even if I had wanted to stay others would come. Just let me...' I trailed off falling forward my world going dark. 

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