Chapter 1

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"Oracle," Cronus said, walking up to the blad old man. 

"Haven't had enough, have you, Cronus?" The oracle responded. 

"Those kids are nothing... I can stop them... But I need something to help me. Is there something that can help me?" Cronus said as the Oracle took off his glasses, revealing his eyes. 

"It's not something, more like someone," Oracle said to reveal a small orb and showing a young girl that looked to be around 17 or 18. "By playing the cursed sound. But she can also help defeat you, Cronus."

Oracle put his glasses back on. "The song of Chaos, I'm assuming," Cronus said. "But, no one can either read the notes or play without dying. You are lying to me, Oracle."

"I never lie. But someone can play it. If they are the child of the one that created it," Oracle said. 

"The daughter of Terpsikhore," Cronus said. Cronus then entered his infamous portal. 


(Y/n) played in the streets, singing her heart out as people watched her, recorded her, gave her money. They loved her music. And she loved playing for them. Once she was done playing, everyone cheered. But it was time for her to pack. 

She grabbed the small can everyone put money into and packed her things, and left. She went through the money to find an odd pendant with the first letter of her name on it. 

She admired it for a good 5 minutes. She didn't know how to find the person it belonged to or if they even purposely put it there, so she just decided to put it at the local lost and found. Once she had, she went home. 

"I'm back, mom!" (Y/n) said as she opened the door. 

"Oh! Honey! We have a guest! Guess what?" Her mother said, standing up from the couch as (Y/n) walked into the living room to see her father, mother, and a man in a suit with wings as a pin on the suit. He smiled at (Y/n) as she just stared at him. 

"You are being accepted into a school where you can get your music known!" Her mother said. "Here, this proof that you have already been accepted and are allowed on the campus" Her mother handed her the same pendant (Y/n) put at the lost in found. (Y/n) stared at it and looked at the man. 

"But... I-" (Y/n) was interpreted by the man. 

"It's overseas in England! So we have to get on our flight before we miss it! Your mother has already packed what you will be needing! So let's get going!" The man said as he grabbed (Y/n)'s suitcase and then dragged (Y/n) out of the house without any time to talk or react. 

The next thing she knew, she was on a massive bird with this man. She panicked and hugged this man from behind. "What is going on?! You said there was a plane!! No, a bird!" (Y/n) said. "And I put the pendant in the lost and found! How did you get it that fast and got to my house?! Who even are you?!" (Y/n) shouted as he held tightly onto her guitar case to make sure it wouldn't fall.

"The name is Hermes, (Y/n). Sorry for the sudden drop by, I know it's confusing, but we aren't going to England. You, my dear, are a very important person," He said, looking at her. "And this bird is called a Griffin."

"Wait, Hermes, the god? Why am I important to a god?" (Y/n) said. 

"We will explain it when we are with the others just like you," Hermes said as (Y/n) realized his clothes had changed. He was in what looked like Roman clothes. 

Just like me? What does that mean?! And why now?! Why lie to my parents?! Why is a God here?! (Y/n) thought as they landed in front of a school. Hermes lead the way for (Y/n) into a janitor's closet. 

There was a circle thing as a lock, and (Y/n) looked at Hermes. "Your pendant," He said. (Y/n) then looked at the pendant and put it in, opening the door. They both walked in and (Y/n) looked around as Hermes pulled the switch for the light making a portal appear. (Y/n) looked at it, slightly scared of it. 

"It won't hurt you, don't worry," Hermes said. "After you" He then gestured for (Y/n) to walk in. She looked at him as if he was crazy and walked up to the portal and stuck her hand in the portal. 

It didn't really feel like anything. (Y/n) looked at him as he smiled at her, and she walked in. She closed her eyes out of fear of it would hurt her. Once she felt nothing yet, she opened her eyes. She then saw six people around her age standing in front of her with an old lady there. 

"Hello, (Y/n)," She said. "My name is Hera."

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