Truth or Dare

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"Drinks and food at my place guys, I'm making my best Carbonara" Rossi so generously tells the team after you had all just finished paperwork from a bad case.

You all agreed, so you, Emily, Hotch, JJ, Spencer, Penelope and Tara all started heading to Rossi's place. If Rossi was a few years younger, or a lot younger, then he would definitely be your type, but you had your eyes set on only one member of the BAU.

Fast forward to 2 hours later, you were on your second bottle of wine and Garcia had announced to everyone that we should play 'Truth or Dare', this couldn't end well, you had no filter when it came to alcohol.

"Right, Rossi you first, Truth or Dare?" Garcia asks him and he surprisingly answers with 'Truth'. "Have you ever had any naughty thoughts about anyone on this team?", we all let out a snicker as Rossi swigs his wine, "Yes and I am not saying who!". Everyone makes their guesses but being with a bunch of profilers Rossi just tries his best not to react.

Next up was JJ, who chose Dare, then Garcia who chose Truth and now it was Hotch's turn. Garcia speaks and asks him the million dollar question. Hotch will more than likely choose truth, he seems like a truth kind of person.

"Dare!". You nearly choked on your drink, that was not what you was expecting or what any of the others were either. Emily suddenly springs to life and if it wasn't for the alcohol you would have bolted for the door because you can read Emily like a book, she knew about your little crush.

" I dare you Hotch, to kiss y/n". The silence in the room was so funny, even Garcia was quiet for the first time in her life. Hotch spluttered out an agreement and turned his head towards you, his expression unreadable.

You both locked eyes, it was the most intense and powerful moment that you had ever experienced, at the moment only the two of you existed. Hotch stood up and walked towards you, both of you never once losing eye contact.

As he got close to you, he reached out his arms and knelt over you, his hands clasped at each side of your face and his fingers hooked at the back of your ears. Your breath was caught in your throat, this moment could either make or ruin your life.

As his lips made contact with yours, you know it sounds cliche but you could swear you could see stars, or that might just be the alcohol. He let go of your face and leaned back and let out a small sigh, then went back to his seat with a smirk on his face.

Garcia then let out a small scream and it brought you back to reality, the others either staring at you or Hotch. "Right who's next?" you quickly announced as to divert their attentions and you downed the rest of your glass because the next turn was yours.

The only choice you could make was truth because you couldn't deal with kissing Hotch again, not in front of the others and not without jumping his bones, so you told Garcia your choice.

"Do you like Hotch, but in a more than a friend way?", damn you Emily, she had some how turned into Cupid.   "Erm, can I do a forfeit?", "no y/n, that's not a choice".

Oh god, well here goes, tomorrow you would hand your notice in as it was about to get awkward. "Yes", you let out which was a mix between a whisper and a choking sound, but they somehow heard what you said.

Hotch stared at you then, his expression unreadable once again, as you looked anywhere but at him. After the game resumed and everyone else had there turns, you got up to go to the kitchen to get some more wine, you could hear someone follow you and you only hoped it would be one person.

"I had no idea you had feelings for me". Oh shit oh shit, it was him. You took a swig of your drink and turned to face him, your face brighter than the wine you had in the glass.

"Yes, sorry if I made it awkward".  After a moments silence Hotch, got close to you and suddenly leaned into you, "it wasn't awkward, I'm just happy to know my feelings are returned".


You finished reminiscing about the time you and Hotch shared your first kiss and had confessed your feelings to each other, that night being over 4 months ago. You two had been dating for 3 months now and you were happier than ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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