Chapter Two: Classes With Friends

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I woke up to Pansy shaking me.

"What in the word are you doing?" I ask her.

"Get up silly, we start classes today. Be ready in ten or you won't make it to breakfast." She left and I rubbed my eyes.

I got out of bed and got dressed, and for makeup today I did a natural look. I made my way down to the great hall for breakfast. I sat down next to Pansy and Theo.

"You hear about the party tonight?" Miles asks everyone.

"There's parties?" I ask, my old school never aloud them.

"There's always a party on the first day, the teachers don't allow it but we always do it anyways." Blaise tells me. "It's in Gryffindor tonight. You guys going?"

"I'm in." Astoria and Pansy chime in.

"Are you going?" Theo asks Draco.

"Maybe." He says.

"That's a yes." Blaise says. "Anyways I have to get to class, don't wanna be late on the first day." He leaves.

"I best be off too." I say and gather my things.

I left to go to my first class, potions. I've always done okay in that class. I wasn't the worst but I wasn't the best. When I arrived there were a few other students and the teacher who introduced himself as professor Snape. He's the head of slytherin. Before I can sit down he tells me we have assigned seats.

"Walton, on the left in the middle." He tells me and I take my seat.

I set my books on the desk and shortly after the rest of the class arrives. Snape tells everyone where they are seat. I noticed Draco sit next to me with a huff. I try to make basic conversation and be nice but he shoots me down then ignores me. I wonder why, he didn't do this with the others.

"Today I won't make everyone write an essay but you will read over page 357 through page 372 with your partner. Your partner will be who you are sitting next to."

"I'll start with reading these pages then you read the rest." Draco doesn't say anything so I start.

When I finish my part it's now his turn.I pass the book to him.

"Your turn." I say.

"I'm not reading, I have bigger things to worry about." Is he kidding me?

"Are you serious? Cant you read a few pages atleast?" It honestly annoyed me that he wouldn't cooperate, he wanted nothing to do with me.

"I have much bigger things to worry about than some stupid reading." He spits out.

"Like what?" I ask.

"None of which is your consern or business." I rolled my eyes, ridiculous.

I grabbed the book back. I read the rest to myself. As soon as class ended I shut my book and left. We only had a few minutes to get to our next class so I hurried, my next class was herbology. As soon as I was there I saw Theo and Luna.

"Hey, may I sit with you guys?" I ask.

"Of course, please sit." Luna tells me and I do in fact sit.

We all sit and chat while also paying attention to the lesson. Today all we learned about was the basic plants and facts about them wich was a review of what we already knew, kinda boring almost. After class it was lunch. Me, Luna and Theo made our way to the great hall to meet the others. Once me and Theo sat down everyone was there but Draco. I wonder where he was.

"Hey guys." I say reaching for some food.

"Hey, how do you like the school so far?" I hear Blaise ask.

"I like it so far, I mean you guys really make it better. I'm glad I have some good friends here, I know that sounds cheesy." I laugh and so do the others.

"We are glad your here too, it was almost boring without you. We needed a new edition to our pack." I blush.

Later on after all the classes were over I chilled in my dorm I shared with Pansy and Astoria, I already had my home work done so I laid back on my bed and opened my book. From everything else besides hanging with friends, I loved to read, it was my favorite thing to do. I was disturbed from reading when both Pansy and Astoria burst in.

"Is something a matter?" I ask.

"What's matter is your not ready yet." Pansy tells me.

"Ready for what?" I'm confused.

"The party." I had forgotten, I closed my book and sat up.

"I forgot, I was so busy with my homework and reading I forgot." I tell her.

"Let's have a look in your closet shall we, you've ought to have something hot to wear." She digs in my closet. "Are you serious?"

"What?" I have nice clothes in there, nice party wear.

"I guess you'll have to wear one of mine." She walks away.

"Borrow one of your what?" I stand up and follow her and Astoria.

"A dress silly." She digs through her closet looking at all her dresses. "Ah, here we go." She pulls out short, pink, spaghetti strap dress.

" She pulls out short, pink, spaghetti strap dress

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"Oh no no no no." I say, Merlin that's so short.

"Yes. Your wearing it." Astoria chimes in.

"It's so short." I tell them, taking the dress to look at it better. "That's too short for me."

"Exactly, it's perfect. Your putting it on, end of discussion." I groan.

"Let's start with your makeup." Astoria sits me down at her vanity and gets to work.

After she finishes she shoves me into the bathroom with the dress. I put it on, as short as it was, it did look really good on me. It hugged around me, complimenting my curves. I open the door and step out, both Pansy and Astoria are speechless. Their mouths were wide open.

"What?" I ask, was the dress too much? Did it not look good on me?

"Merlin Elara, you look amazing. I might have to let you keep that dress, it looks better in you then me." She tells me, looking me up and down.

"Thank you." I tell her.

Minutes later both of the girls were ready, they wore similar dresses to mine. Pansy's was dark forest green and Astoria's was crimson red.


Word count:1068

Deep desire x Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now