="?Befuddle?"= ... "Everything is blurry..."

41 1 0

My vision blurred
And my stomach growled
My ears ringed
"What is it now?"

My questions filled my head
And my heart sank
When i saw him...
This dream was blank.

I tried to scream,
But it wouldnt come out.
My voice was cracked
And released no sound.

"Little flame..."-i heard him say
That nickname made me scared of his ways
The way he could find me anytime he wanted
The way i never thinked to cross him.

I was now in his arms alone,
People running out the zone
This restaurant was burned to ashes,
And so was my will now for any passion.


|beffudle meaning:|

|make someone|
| unable |
|to think |

Toxic Dabi × Reader "You did this to me..." | Poetry حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن