treasured blonde

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Picture of Captain Jake -------

Jakes pov

"Please no have mercy!" The bloody man pleaded for his life from below me for his life, which just made me smile even more before slitting his throat.

"Dad!" Koby came jogging across the deck which was now littered with the dead. His pale face was splattered with blood along with it starting to mat into his dirty blonde hair. "They're all dead" he smiled up at me from his only 5'5 frame which was tiny compared to my 6'5, his big blue eyes held so much adoration as they pleaded for me to show just how pleased I was with him, which I was of course. What dad wouldn't be proud of their son being able to take on any man and beat them even if they were twice his size.

"Well done son, I saw you take down that massive fucker" I praised him as I ruffled his matted hair before throwing my arm around his shoulder, which just made his smile widen as he beamed up at me. "Now go help the men thrift through the items" he nodded his head quickly before running off in the direction of the captains cabin's, hang on a minute. "Fox where's the captain!?" I shouted over to fox who was my second in command, the tall ruff looking man stalked towards me as he wiped his blade in his trousers.

"Well he's not up here captain, ya think he jumped ship when we attacked?"

"One fucking weak captain if he did. Wait has anyone been below deck yet?" Fox's eyes lit up.

"Nope" he said popping the P.

"Well then come on" both of us made or way over to the right corner of the ship, passing the captain's cabin door, where all my men stood rummaging through the late crews belongings, Cody stood near them telling the what to do, shaking my head at him as I pass to the door which lead down to below deck, I went first and crept down, hiding in the shadows I saw who could only be the captain, he was a bit shorter than me with a slim build and wearing a comical large pirate hat with a feather placed on his head.

He started walking straight for me, grabbing my knife from its holder I got into position ready to attack but when he got close enough he suddenly stopped and turned back before he started to speak but I never let him finish as I pounced slitting his throat. Bright red blood splatter all across the room and that's when I noticed the girl standing in the far corner as blood covered her face.

She was gaping at me, eyes wide with blood splattered all over her face and white dress. I could tell she was in bad shape, her pale skin was covered in deep cuts that looked like whip markings and alot of them, they covered all the skin which was on show. Her skin was also covered in bruises, all in different stages of healing along with a split lip and a black eyes.

But under all her injures she still looked stunning. "Well what do we have here?!" I made my way over to where she stood frozen in place, she wasn't even in any restraints but still she didn't move. "Hello little one, come on its okay" her eyes peaked open as she looked up at me, she was tiny maybe 5'3, cute. Her big blue eyes stared up at me, the fear clear in them, she was shaking like terrible "It's okay I'm not going to hurt you. Can you tell me your name?" She looked ready to run. "I'm Jake"

"Minx" her voice light and a bit scratchy which I'm guessing was from being left down here for so long.

"Hello minx. It's okay their all dead they can't hurt you anymore."

"Really?" she gasped

"Yes now all you've got to do is come with me" she nodded, I knew that she knew she had no other choice it would be either come with me and live or stay here on a ship with a dead crew and no supplies to live off. She would either end up dying or being taken captive by another crew when they came across the empty floating ship wherever it ended up.

I placed my hand on her lower back to guide her  out and up to the deck, she flinched as soon as my hand made contact with her but I never removed it. Fox must have already gone up while I was talking to minx since he was no longer down here, probably gone to see what the men was getting up to. Once back up on the deck I saw some of my men standing around with bags of what I presume to be treasures from the late captains belongings by the smug smiles on their faces. I whistled making them all make their way out onto the deck all with the same smug smirks, they acted like this didn't happen often, greedy fucks.


As soon as we got back to the ship I got a few of the men to fill the large tub in my room for Minx, while I helped sort the men out so that we could start thrifting threw all the new items we had gotten, some to start storing the food and drink, and others all the other items this way we could see what we could sell when we docked and what was to be kept, I put Fox and Kody in control to make sure it was done correctly while I took Minx into my room where the tub was now filled to the top with warm water.

"So here's the bath for you. No one will disturb you okay and I'll just be outside if you need anything all you will have to do is shout" I turned to walk out the room but before I did I turned my head "take as long as you want, there's some food and water on the side for you as well"

As I got back out on the deck I saw that most of the items had been sorted out into different piles with some of the men still sitting around sorting them. Fox and Koby were standing off to the side talking quietly, so I made my way over, those two really had gotten closer recently, they seemed to spend the majority of their time together.

"I see everything is okay here" both their heads snapped towards me.

"Yeah captain!" Fox said "are you keeping her?" Koby said, they both spoke at the same time.

"Koby don't speak over people!" I scolded, which made his head drop.

"Sorry" I nodded in understand. "And to answer your question yes I am" his little face lit up with a beaming smile "if she wants to stay that is if not we will drop her in the next town we come across"

"She's so pretty, isn't she pretty Fox?" all he got in return was a grunt as Fox smiled down at my son.

"That reminds me I need to borrow some of your clothes for her until we dock, since you're the closest to her size"

"Oh yeah sure I'll just go get you some" with that he scurried off. Which made my attention turn back to Fox who's eyes were still trained on where my son had disappeared.

"What's going on with you two!?" I stepped closer so that we were only inches apart now, he still didn't show much emotion, never did really. 

"Nothing captain" I stared  at the one man on this ship who I would consider a good friend, did I believe him in this moment, fuck no. But at this moment I couldn't prove anything so I dropped it.

"Okay" I stepped back and that's when Koby reappeared with a pile of folded up clothes in his arms. "Thanks make sure this is all sorted out tonight, I want it ready to sell for when we dock tomorrow"


Walking back into my privet cabin the steam of the water still filled the air as Minx was still in the tub with her back to me, her blonde almost white hair hung flat against her wet back which covered what looked like the worse of the cuts. I was so in my own head I never noticed she had started to stand up until she was grabbing one of the white towels of the side table.

She turned around as she started to step out the tub while wrapping the towel around her slim figure but that's when I saw her naked front.

"What but you're a...!"


Hope you guys are enjoying this book so far im loving writing it 😊

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