Maybe the Avengers aren't too Bad?

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I did not create the cover or any of the fan art, I just looked it up on google to brighten up the chapters. This chapter is extra long, enjoy. Also, any comments are apreciated and will defiantly hope motivate me. Sorry about releasing chapters so late, I don't sleep a lot, enjoy- E

When I woke up the next day, my head was fully cleared from drugs. I felt like I'd just been hit by a truck, but at least I wasn't sluggish! My hair stuck up in all kinds of strange angles, and my clothes were wrinkled. Worst of all, my neck ached from sleeping upright.

Luckily, Natalia arrived just on time, carrying a clean stack of clothes with her.

"How did you sleep?" she asked in a kind voice. Her eyes showed actual worry and compassion. Who would have thought a kidnapper spy could look so kind?

"Pretty good, the table and chair were a surprisingly comfortable duo," I said, cracking my neck. The only problem left was my hair. Also the fact that I smell like a donkey. Hell, I felt like one!

"Well, I'm sure a change of clothes and a shower will help you feel better," she slid the pile to me. The smell of detergent made its way to my nose. Who would have thought Shield used Gain Extra Scent?

"You truly are a godsend Natalia!"

She brought me to a massive room, with a giant plush looking bed, a huge bathroom, and an amazing view of the Manhattan skyline!

"Is this your room!" I asked in amazement. The room was literally bigger than my whole apartment.

"Actually, it's yours," Natalia smiled at my shocked expression. This entire room to myself!

"Really, it's all mine, even the giant bed!"

"Yup, now go take a shower, you stink," she said, walking out of the room with a smile.

When I entered the bathroom, my jaw dropped. The size of the shower! The towels were soft and luxurious, the shampoos all had fancy french labeling, I was in paradise.

When I was done with my shower, I braided my wet hair and threw on the clothes Nat had given me. They were super soft and comfortable. Maybe joining the Avengers won't be too bad afterall.

I wandered the halls until I found a room relatively filled with people. Nat had told me to meet her in the common room, and this seemed to be it. Music played faintly from the speaker, and a banner was hung up, still dripping purple paint.

A bunch of grownass adults were arguing over every little thing. Where the cake should go, why purple wasn't the right color for the sign, etc. It took them like a good few minutes before they realized I was watching them.

"Jesus kid, you scared me. You must be the new recruit, Emma Miller?" a guy with a goatee asked. I assumed by his cocky demeanor that he was Tony Stark. Cool!

"Uh, yeah, and you're Tony Stark! Fucking Tony Stark is standing in front of me, Peter would literally die," I rambled under my breath. Several of them heard, making Stark to smile cockily.

"I didn't know you were a fan?" he said.

"Of course I am, I go to a science school for nerds. Basically everyone there idolizes you and.... Holy shit that's Dr. Banner!" I was pretty sure my eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. It seemed like just yesterday I had been researching these peoples papers in a library, and now they were in front of them.

"We get it, she's a nerd, she'll fit right in," a man said. He had a red and black super suit on, but his mask was off. "I'm Antman aka Scott Lang, legendary dad joke teller,"

"Hello, I'm Emma, but you already know that. How does your suit work? Does it have something to do with Hank Pym's research on Pym Particles and the Quantum Realm?" In hindsight, I was having a complete nerd freak out. I continued to nerd out over Hawkeye's arrows, Captain America's shield, Falcon's wings, and Vision's mind stone.

"RIght, so you've basically met everyone except for Barnes, Romanoff, and Maximoff. Wanda's out today, but the others are...there" Stark said, leading me to the last two people in the room.

"This is Natasha Romanoff aka BlackWidow..." Tony introduced.

"Sorry for lying to you kid," I gave her a 'no problem', explaining how I kind of assumed she hadn't told me her real name.

"...and this is James "Bucky" Barnes, the Winter Soldier," I froze when I saw him. The WInter Soldier stood in front of me. He seemed to recognize me too.

"Do I know you, you seem familiar,"

"I-I have that effect on people, I think it's the face!" I panicked. He didn't seem to recognize me, so he shouldn't be an issue.

Natasha studied my face, as well as my sudden panic.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second kid?" She dragged me to a private location, the bathroom.

"What do you have to do with Hydra?" she asked as soon as things were quiet.

"It's just my dad. He was kind of an asshole, so I ran away. Hydra chased after me, but they still haven't caught me."

Blackwidow nodded.

"My dad was kind of an asshole too. As long as I'm here, I'm going to make sure Hydra won't hurt you, I promise" Natasha's face was sincere, probably for the first time since I'd met her.


When I was ready, we walked back out to the common room. The "Welcome" sign was on the ground, the paint causing a purple puddle of paint on the nice white carpet. Everyone was kind of sitting awkwardly in a semi-circle.

"So..." Stark said, trying to break the silence. "What do you do for fun?"

"Um, in my free time I mostly hang out with my friends." I say, smiling as I thought about all the stupid things we did together.

Suddenly, the room was bathed in red light and an alarm went off somewhere. As if they could read each others minds, the Avengers got up and grabbed their gear, prepping for a fight or something.

"Whats going on?" I say, turning to Natasha.

"Just, stay here, we'll handle it" Nat said in a serious voice. I didn't want to disobey her, but I also didn't want to stay cooped up.

I kind of stood there awkwardly as the Avengers left, finally looking like the team I'd seen on the news. Whatever was going on, it wasn't good, and I was determined to help.

An Avengers StoryOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara