Your Backstory

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When you were little you had a hard time understanding and getting along with people. It wasn't like you fought with them or anything but most people you talked to would only ever become acquaintances - friends were a thing of imagination to you and deep down you knew why. Your older sister.

Your sister was cold to you and unlike siblings who would - well - be siblings, she was controlling and repressive. When other kids were playing tag in the fields, you were running laps and sparing before being dropped off in the wilderness with nothing to help you survive, only to be picked up by her a few days layer with no context.

Where kids at school got lunch boxes filled with goodies and fun foods, you were always given healthy foods, never anything sugary or sweet, which did lead to some calling you a goodie two shoes though it didn't really bother you after a while.

As the years went on and you began to mature - despite the conditioning your sister always tried to imprint on you, you were able to be a 'normal' enough girl. You made a few friends here and there though nothing like a social group, you kept up your grades and liked to see yourself as mature for your age.

Recently you discovered partly why your sister had raised you the way she had (though it didn't really dissolve the resentment you sometimes felt). Your family had always had higher spiritual pressure than normal and a natural spiritual awareness, but the catch was a kido that sealed away the spiritual pressure until they reached 16.

This resulted in strong human beings who manifested abilities unique to the person. It's not really clear as to how you or your family gained these powers or why there's always a sealment kido placed on the children from birth, but a book passed down from generation to generation held information about soul reapers and Quincies as well as hollows. Your sister assumed you were likely descendants of either a Quincy or soul reaper.

Once you'd moved to Karakura town, you started to go through your change faster than expected. You already began to sense spirit beings and after a few months could actually see both wholes and hollows. The fear of seeing such monstrous beings led you to become more reserved and scared of leaving the house, it took a year for you to finally agree to start going to a school despite all the training you'd undergone.

On the other hand, since moving to this strange town your sister started to open up to you, attempting to be more of a sister than a mentor to you. You still blamed and resented her deep down for what she'd put you through but at the same time you were kind of relieved she was treating you like family.

However, it felt that it all came at a price. Your sister became sick and ravaged with diseases leading to her declining health. It was around this time her attitude towards you changed. Perhaps being faced with her own mortality made her appreciate what she had. You start school very soon.


Growing up wasn't easy - as it would be with your sight loss. You weren't born blind. In fact, you were born with perfectly healthy eyes and always prided yourself in your hand-eye coordination. You found a passion using this particular skill in the fine arts but one of your main loves is textiles. From blankets to sewing to knitting.

Watching the fabric unfurl around a mannequin was more than satisfying, seeing the project from start through to the end. It was a desire in life for you to one day design for high end fashion industries. However, due to an infection in your main eye cortex completely degrading the optic nerves in both eyes, you became completely blind, darkness was all you saw after the age of 12.

Your parents were relatively wealthy and had done everything they could to try and save your sight, father being a top neurosurgeon and mother being a relatively well known neurologist, but nothing could help you regain what was irreparable. The only thing they could do was hold you close as the surgeons managed to save what was left of your eyeballs.

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