Home sweet home... I guess

Start from the beginning

Tommy: She'll be used to us and the workers.

Tanner: Hey! Think you can call base now?

Tommy: Hm... Kyne... Come in... Base, come in. Control. Can you hear me control?

Two-Arms Armstrong: Tommy?! Is that you?! You're alive! Where's Tanner?!

*Armstrong's hopeful and loud voice came as some sort of relief to the brothers. Shaw perked her head up, due to the...sudden elderly southern voice.*

Tommy: Tanner's with me! We just made it out of that hell hole! How's everything back there?!

Two-Arms Armstrong: Jesse is fucking pissed off!

Tommy: Armstrong!

Armstrong: What?

Tommy: We have a child on board.

Tanner: And it's not me. Say hi, Shaw.

Shaw: Hi! MynameisShaw!

Armstrong: *Baffled by Shaw's fast voice, that he sputters in his mic. After sputtering gibberish, he only now realised that they have a child on board.* Oh! I'm so sorry! Um, don't say that, ma'am. It's a bad word.

Shaw: IthinkI'malreadyfamiliarwiththose.

Armstrong: Jeez, what kind of parents are you? <He mutters. It was intended to Tommy and Tanner> Just head to the runway, we'll clear it out for ya. I'll announce your arrival...hey...you saved a lot of people in there. They're very grateful.

Tommy: Just doing our job, Armstrong.

Armstrong: *He left the mic on as he goes to turn on the agitator, to spread his message around the landship.* Attention, the Neil Brothers are alive. Clear the runway.

*Tommy turns off the mic for Armstrong. Their landship was already in sight, they could see the workers scattering the ants, clearing the runway, turning on the lights for them. Shaw was astonished by their landcraft.*

Shaw: Woah! Sobig!

Tanner: That'swhatshesaid. <He mutters> Ahem, alright, Shaw, welcome to your new home. We'll take care of you nice, okay?

Shaw: Itrustyou! Especiallyyou! Tanner!

Tanner: Shucks, Shaw.

[The brothers circled around the landship, so Shaw can have a bird's eye view of her new home. Workers scatter like ants along the runway, damaged planes were still getting escorted inside the hangars for immediate repairs. The company's hospitals and clinics were filled to the brim with injured gunners and pilots, not to mention the reunion refugees they saved. The residential areas were filled with vagabonds, those vagabonds are members of the reunion. The NM guards and nurses were taking care of them, despite them looking like ants to Tanner and Tommy...and Shaw. The people were too busy and fixated on their duties trying to organise the masses to notice Tanner and Tommy's arrival, perhaps it is for the best. After giving Shaw a quick tour from above, they slowed down the throttle, and landed on the runway. Their clothes were no longer soaked, instead, it's dried and wrinkled, but still, they have to burn it, or else they'll infect the ship with husk disease... I think... I'm not a virologist. The feeling of finally reaching your home, after a gruelling campaign relieved both brothers of their stress. Furthermore taking Shaw into the jaws of safety once more. She is still saddened by the passing of her master, she must be taken to Phyllis or Daisy, to calm her down of her trauma. Of course, there is also Mephisto, losing literally everyone he ever loved, and loved him, the kid has suffered so much, please let him just have one good day? After they broke out of the canopy, they dash out the cockpit. With Tanner having to be careful as to not hurt Shaw. He hands her over to the maintenance men, who grabs her by the armpits, and hoist her out of there. Tanner and Tommy were frantically taking off their seatbelts, and after doing so, jumps out of the cockpit, and dash to their personal barracks. On the way, they were taking off all of their layered clothing, and dropping them on the runway, the workers witnessing looked at them as if they're morons. You can't really tell the difference if it's these two. Shaw, at the moment, had a thermal blanket draped over her as her uniform was removed, revealing her soaking wet undershirt. She tried to run after the brothers, but, they led her to Phyllis instead. She's too...cold to acknowledge the stony limbs of the workers. Tommy and Tanner rushed into their bunks, and quickly raided their wardrobe after taking out every piece of clothing they have, even their underwear.]

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