1 - Ranboo

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IDK (it twitched to M/N POV and others) POV:
Something felt a bit off, like as if l was missing something. Humming softly he leaned forward after having bent down to grab something off the floor. He wore a apron that read 'Am busy piss of' A sigh escaped the soft lips as l fell back on the couch. Trying to clearly remember what l was forgetting. Grumbling suddenly l snapped my fingers.

"I need to get food" Cheering to myself at finally figuring out what l needed. Thunder roared through the whole house only causing me jump a inch in the air. Grasping my chest my eyes narrowed at the pouring rain. "Stupid rain, god it would suck if l ever got stuck in that- wait..THATS WHO AM MISSING RANBOO!"

I have never gotten ready so quick before, well l didn't actually ready l just threw on some rain boots and grabbed a umbrella. Rushing out l shivered quickly when the cold air meet my warmed up skin. It's not like l wasn't used to this, back when l traveled with my brother we were always in every crazy weather

A tall endermen..a tall endermen. I kept muttering to myself well looking around. "Boo!!ranboob!!" A distant whimper had my head snapping in that direction. "Boo?" I muttered getting closer to the frail endermen who was shivering. "B-Bastard..it's so c-cold" The endermen quivered his eyes widening in
realization of what he said. "Ah! Am sorry M/N! It's just so cold l spike out of impulse."

I let out a breath laugh, "ah no worries. My sister was like that to Y'know? You've met her." Humming l sat beside him with the umbrella covering both of us. "Drista. She is my sister," Ranboos eyes widen his head turned to M/N. "Really!? You guys have nothing alike..in features l mean. Personality wise l could guess so, if your Dristas brother then dream also is your brother! Your fighting styles are the same..but if Drista and dream look alike-"

"Long story, l can't really explain much since lve made a oath not to do so" I laughed nervously and Ranboo seemed to sense it.

"You will have to swear on this server you WOULDNT DARE explain how you were born or disclose any information about any of us gods" A voice boomed over the underworld. M/N sat on his knees his head bowed at the three gods that stood in front of him.

"My my dear, you sure are the lucky one to even be sitting here" Another voice spoke with a bitter laugh. "Leave the kid alone he's been through enough" The last god growled though you could not see his eyes you could tell he was glaring.

"I swear on this sever l won't tell a soul how and why l was born or disclose any information about the gods" M/N voices quivered at the end making the second gods eyes narrow. "Excuse me was that a lie there little one?" "Leave him HD he knows what his punishment is either way if he tells. Now leave him," "How harsh of you XD"

HD muttered under his breath looking away from the former mortal who was clearly uncomfortable. The third god laughed, shaking its head he patted M/N on the head. "Now child you must go explore find yourself a home and live a mortal world till everything goes to ruins again" Then it has went dark in on snap of fingers.
"Yeah long story.." I mumbled turning away from Ranboo l sighed burying my head into my knees. "Oh it's okay if you don't tell me! I shouldn't have poked through your business either way" Ranboo purred out snuggling up into my side. Warmth spread through my whole body and by the way Ranboo relaxed he felt the same way. The endermen was slowly drifting off into a deep slumber as rain pour all around them.

I eyes opened when l felt my mask starting to glitch. I grumbled my eyes narrowing at the shadow in the distance. This usually happened when l wasn't carefully, my mask would glitch in way where it shows my eyes only the rest faded in and out to quick to actually see my face. No l didn't like wearing my mask but it was our family's top thing. To always stay secretive and if you would go against this you would be dead

Maybe if a certain god didn't exist he wouldn't have his mask on. Even his brother dream seemed to be persistent on him having his mask on. No matter the situation, for all he knew dream probably fucked people in that mask which made him snort in amusement. That was his least worries though, he had to figure out how to get Ranboo back to his place without burning or waking him.

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