Chapter 8

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The next morning i find myself laying on the couch with my mom sitting next to me. "Goodmorning sweetie" she says softly. "Morning" i say. "Everythings okay, dad should be here in 30 minutes, then we are going to go get some breakfast at Denneys." My moms says. "Go upstairs and get dressed."

   I walk upstairs to my bedroom. Open up my top dresser drawer, grab out a pink bra and pink underwear, then my skinney jeans with the big rips in them. Then i walk over to my closet and grab my favorite purple shirt with my favorite leather jacket. As i am putting that on i hear someone throwing rocks at my window i slowly walk up to my window and open up the blinds and see Tate. He signals me to come outside. "I will be down in a second." I say. I brush my hair and put on my black boots.

   I rush down the stairs. "Were do you think your going, your dad will be here any secound now." My mom says. "Im just going outside for one minute." I replie.

   I open up the front door and run over to Tate. He raps his arms around me and sqeezes me tightly. We sit down in the grass that is still a little damp and i ask "what did you do with the two girls from last night?" "Don't worry about it." Tate says. I set my head down on his shoulder and he puts his arm around my waist. I push him on the ground and press my lips against his, sticking my tounge into his mouth.

   I hear my dad yelling at me, telling me to get off of Tate but i still kiss him powerfuly. Then i finally get off of him and we both stand up. I tell Tate i have to go and kiss him on the cheak.

   Me, my mom and my dad get into the car and go to Dennys. After we eat, my parents drop me off back at home and my dad takes my mom to her doctors appointment.

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