Chapter 2

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Ok so. The thing is that chapters are NOT going to be close together like today but... I made an exception because in the comments you guys were really excited for this

Tommy stared at Dream. He was confused. What the hell happened to the cocky self-centred bastard? Not that he's complaining. He deserves this...right?

"Dream...?" Tubbo said. Tommy watched as Tubbo tried to call for his brother. But Dream didn't say anything. Much less do anything. 

"Hey Bitch! Stop ignoring Tubbo!" This time Dream gave a reaction. Not a reaction Tommy would have liked.

Dream flinched and this time looked at Tubbo but looked like he was scared...

Wait. Was the bastard scared of him? Judging by the reaction that he gave George and Sapnap means he wasn't scared of them...only him.

Tommy suddenly felt very guilt of what he said 7 months ago when he last visited Dream.

Dream looked at Tubbo shoulder slightly slouched from exhaustion and the fact that he was trying to make himself look smaller, as he waited for Tommy to start shouting at him for ignoring Tubbo. 

Dream was so stupid. What was he thinking? Obviously he had to listen to Tommy he was supposed to listen Tubbo. Right? He felt like he needed to be punished. Ever since Tommy first told him he needed to die he tried. Everyday he tried. And Tommy was mad that he was alive. And if Tommy was mad that means he had to be punished. Right? His eyes wandered or to the basin of water that refilled everyday automatically (Don't ask me how. Idk shit about redstone) He has done before. He had tried to drown but it never worked. It never works. 

Tubbo started crying softly at the state that Dream was. He was shaking with anger. He knew this was a bad idea. But he couldn't do anything. Everyone had told him that this for the best but he knew they were wrong. Even George and Sapnap and told him that! And now they were trying to comfort him?!

He couldn't do anything. He had tried for so long but he couldn't do anything. Until now. He finally convinced to let them all go together and see the admin. Tubbo slowly approached Dream. He looked up at him and smiled. It was the warmest smile he could muster at the time but he had to... he had to smile through the tears. 

Tubbo took Dreams wrist. 

It was so thin

And start walking toward the bridge

He shouldn't be like this

He called out to Sam and told him to take them back

He noticed Dreams flinch

He walked on and pretended to ignore it

He notice Tommy quickly jump on and go with them

Tubbo glared but said nothing

After an hour of Tubbo of him signing forms from Sam and Tommy frowning at him. Dream did nothing. Tubbo also noticed the way if spoken to Dream wouldn't react. Only to orders.

Before he knew if it the portal was open and Sam instructed them to walk through. 

He stepped through the portal and Dreams hand in his own.

He lead his brother back to the Dream SMP

Sorry this chapter was so shitty. I was trying to write as fast as possible because of the first chapter. I didn't expect people to actually be this excited over it. Updates are gonna be slow so consider this a treat. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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