Chapter One

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Hey! A new story! Make sure to read my other story too. It doesn't tie together though. Also the fanart for the cover is not mine. PLEASE tell me if you know who drew it!

Dream blinked the tiredness out of his eyes as he slouched over the cold obsidian of his cell. He looked at his clock and he sighed. That clock had been broken for a long time. Days? Weeks? Months? Hell if Dream knew. But something peaked his interest. He heard clicking. He spared a glance up and sure enough the lava in the front of his cell start to go down. He stayed down and didn't move. What  was the point? Also he was extremely tired. It's not like he had a bed to sleep on anyway. 

He stared at the floor in front of him. He wanted to cry but what was the point? He wanted to scream but what was the point of that either? So he just sat there and waited for what was to come. He must of spaced out for a awhile because he suddenly heard footsteps and talking in front of him. He flinched when a blue blob tackled him in... what was it called again? A hug? Yeah that. 

He slowly turned his head and felt his shoulder of his orange jumpsuit get a little wet. He blinked when he heard sobbing. He sat there frozen waiting for the cruel words. He waited for Tommy to start shouting at him like the last time he visited. The last time he visited... was probably weeks ago. He was confused. When did Tommy start wearing blue? 

He turned yet again when he felt a hand on his other shoulder. He looked up this time and saw a person he didn't recognise. This person had black hair with a and was wearing a white shirt with a small flame in the middle. He studied him and noticed his smile. Its looked warm and reassuring. It must be nice to smile he thought. 

Dream looked past the stranger and was met with a surprise. But of course he didn't show it. His eyes grazed over the strangers but one of them caught his eyes. Tommy. The child looked at him slightly worried. 

He finally  blinked in confusion and looked at the blue blob again. Who the hell was this then? He heard shouting. 

"eam! Dream!"

Someone was shaking his shoulders. He blinked again and this time the blue figure was in front of him. The persons face was a little red and tears were running down his face. He had brown eyes and brown hair and was obviously wearing a blue shirt. 

"Dream!" the figure laughed when he finally got Dreams attention. "We're getting you out of here today! Finally!" The blue guy wiped his tears and gave a shaky laugh. 

Dream didn't say anything but instead chose to look back at Tommy. Tommy would know what to do. He's Tommy. Tommy is always right. Tommy is always right. And Dream was always wrong. So naturally... what ever Tommy says goes. 

"Why's the the bastard staring at me?" He looked uncomfortable under Dreams gaze. "Oi! Stop fucking staring at me bitch!"

Dream looked down.

Tommy blinked

"Well... uhhh come on Dream lets go!" George tries to pull him up by his arm but Dream does nothing. He stays put. He just looks at the floor. He had to. If he didn't then he would be dis-obeying Tommy. If he made Tommy angry then he got shouted at. He didn't want to get shouted at. So he listened to Tommy. Tommy told him to not move from the last time he came to visit. So he didn't. He had to listen to Tommy. 

Tommy was always right.

"What the fuck Dream?!" Tommy exclaimed "Come on! We're leaving. Stop doing whatever the hell you're playing at?" The blonde practically growled out the last part. But Dream didn't want to dis-obey Tommy. So, albeit shakily, he stood. He continued staring at the floor making sure he didn't look remotely near Tommy's general direction.  

Tommy took a step back in shock. He didn't expect Dream to be so... submissive. His eyes narrowed at Dream stopped when Dream flinched. 

This was not the Dream he knew.

Pandora's Box **HIATUS**Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora