Chapter 26- There's No Way to Survive

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to know what was in that bottle!" A group of small creatures swarmed at him, bright red shadows sparking off of them! "Hhhhhssss!" He pulled the mirror sword off of Seth hip and leveled it at the creatures! "If want me, come get me! (I should use the sword to... Absorbs their shadows!)"

His sword hummed in his hand, and suddenly half the small balls of the smoke vanished as they got sucked into his sword! "Shhhrrrhh!" he twirled the sword and long tendrils of spiky black smoke shot out of it, ripping across the rest of the creatures nearby! "That takes care of them!" he turned to face the rest of the monsters.

<You took out a bunch of monsters with the mirror dimension sword!>

"Who's next?" One of the hulking shadow creatures charged right at him! "ROOOOARR!" It snarled and swung at him with its massive hand! He watched as its arm as it got closer and closer, focusing on the time quickly passing by!

"I should... use the defensive spell!"

"Solis!" his magic bursted around him and his shield popped up, slicing the monster's arm cleaned off in the process! "RAAAAAHHH!" It howled in pain as it stumbled back!

<Sun spell; you used the defensive spell to protect yourself>

"Can't get me in here." He looked around at his friends, each battling with the creatures overrunning the lab. Nearby, Optimus threw fireball after fireball at a packed of small shadow monsters, taking them with deadly accuracy! "Hhhhhsssshhhsshhhhh!"

"That's what happened when you play with fire. You get bumped." Said Optimus with his face reddened with anger, Satyr stood by his side, whipping a tendril of water across the monsters. "Shhhhhrrr..."

"Stay away stay away stay away!" One of the hulking shadow monsters nearby watches each of them, as though looking for a weak point... "RAAAUUURRRHH!" Its eyes landed on Seth and it let out a roar, getting ready to charge! Seth recalled his lesson from the past year in his room, when Prof Stephen announced to him about the department—as magic built inside him.

"I should use... the Flame Spell!"

"Take this!" He summoned a fireball in his hand and launched it at the monster! It slammed into its chest, the flames crackling over the creature's body! "GRRAAAHHH!"

"Hell yeah, Seth! Turn up the heat!" Optimus said, "Seems like it couldn't take it." His friends started to picked off the monsters one by one, giving him straight shot at Burton! Joe stood in the middle of the fray, sending a bookcase flying across the room and into a line of the creatures! "Krrrsshhh..."

"Is that you've got?"

Steve grabbed Seth shoulder and tugs him in Burton direction. "Come on, Seth! get him!" The two of them rushed forward, only for a group of massive shadow monsters to swarmed Seth! He ended up back to back as the creatures circled him, leaving no exit! "Let take them all out at once, Seth. I'll subdue them with Moon magic."

"No steve I'll destroy them with Sun magic." Steve hold both his hands up and they began to glow! Then, he suddenly swung them down! "Sleep!" The monsters slowly dropped to the ground, their eyes closing and the lights inside them going dark!

"Your turn." Seth closed his eyes, the warmth of his Sun magic building inside him. "(I should... shoot a beam of light.) Say goodbye!" A bright light shot out of his hands and onto one of the creatures!


The light built inside it until it bursted! Seth swept the beam over the room, causing the rest of the monsters around them to disintegrated! "Nice one!"

"You know what they say... teamwork makes the dream work!"

"Seth, thats a terrible saying. Never say that again. There's just a couple monsters left."

"I've got this. Now I'm gonna take them out with the... Solar Flare spell!" He concentrated, sucking in all of the energy surrounding him... "Rrrraaaaaaaahhh!" He released the energy in an explosive burst, immolating the surrounding shadow monsters! "Krrrrhhhkkk!" "Raaauuuuhhh!" Their essence clattered to the ground as their bodies disintegrated, leaving the lab eerily silent. "Now it's Burton turn." His friends gathered as Burton watches them from the other side of the room with a malicious grinned. "We need to hit him with everything we've got." Said Seth, "His healing will make that difficult, but if you don't give him time to recover, it might be enough."

"Then we just keep attacking."

"Once you've worn him down, I've got something big planned." Steve took a step back, muttering to himself as his hands began to glow. Seth and his friends rushed at Burton on the other side of the room. "Let's see what you can do boys." Burton waved his hands, and the air began to swirled, coming right for all of them! Joe hands glow and he redirected the twister, swirling it away from Seth and Satyr, while Optimus and Steve hunkered down behind Burton machines. "That was nothing!"

Seeing and opening, Seth glanced over Satyr, who looked at Seth worriedly. "So seth do you have a plan, or...?"

"Sir... Freeze him while he stand. Here I'll give you a boost!" He channeled his magics into Satyr, letting his energies weaved together! Satyr grinned. "Oh yeah, Seth. He's going down!" He twisted his hand, and water rised up from the ground! It curled around Burton's legs and then freezed solid, holding him in place!

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