-Chapter 2⊰

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Katara sped walked down the hall of the residential wing, her heart still pounding from her brush with Zuko.

'Bastard , almost burned me' she thought angrily as knocked harshly against a door.

"Come in" Toph's voice called from the other side. Katara opened the door and smiled as she saw her best friend sitting in the middle of the room, telling servants where she wanted her unpacked belongings to be placed.

"Toph!" Katara said and brought the tall girl into a hug. Like Aang, Toph had grown into her features. She was tall and slender though still boyish. Katara suspected that she would never be lady like and came to accept it.

"How was your trip?" Katara asked pulling away from the hug.

"Long, boring, uneventful," Toph said "how was yours?"

"Same, I thought about throwing myself off the side of Appa and drowning myself a couple of times, but I pulled it together."

Toph smiled "Can waterbenders drown?" Katara shrugged as Toph continued "Even if you could you wouldn't have been able to, we all know Aang would've stepped in and saved the day. He always does when it comes to you."

Katara grinned as she and Toph sat down at a small table "That's why I didn't attempt, plus I don't think waterbenders can drown."

"Master Katara," a servant said as she bowed "Master Iroh would like to have you for tea."

Katara's got wide as she stood "That's right, I'm supposed to meet with uncle we'll finish catching up later" she said as she followed the servant towards the door. "Oh and I'm sure Sokka would like to see you." Katara smiled when Toph's shoulders tensed "You can't avoid him forever, Toph" she said before walking out the door.


Iroh's sitting room was exactly what Katara imagined it would look like. Strikingly similar to her sitting room, with many different couches and chairs, elegant decorations, and large doors leading to a patio. But what was different, Katara noted, was that it was so much smaller.

Then again, he wasn't staying in the family wing.

"Grand Master Iroh has arrived" a guard yelled.

Katara bowed as Iroh stepped through the door "Master Katara, thank you for joining me" he said as he bowed.

"Thank you for the invitation and please, call me Katara" she said as stood straight.

Iroh indicated for her to sit down "I must thank you for accepting this proposal; I know it's a lot to ask for, but you really are the perfect choice."

"I'm not one for turning my back when people need help, although I wish this was a different circumstance, I'm glad that our people will benefit from it" Katara said as she took a sip of water.

Iroh smiled "I'm grateful and I'm sure my nephew is grateful. Speaking of, I don't know what is taking him so long to get here."

Katara almost choked on her water "Zuko is going to join us?"

"Oh yes, we have to talk about the preparations," Iroh said as he turned around and signaled a guard.

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Where stories live. Discover now