-Chapter 1⊰

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Chapter 1

Loud banging and thuds invaded Katara's mind as she slowly aroused from her sleep. "What?" she yelled as she sat up.

"Get up Kit Kat or you're going to miss Aang's arrival" came Sokka's loud voice from the other side of the door. Katara's heart skipped in excitement at the mention of Aang's name. Her best friend was coming in today.

Kicking the blankets off of her, she quickly opened the door. "How long until he gets here?" she asked Sokka as she made her way to the bathroom.

"10 minutes." Sokka replied.

"10 minutes?" Katara asked with a toothbrush in her mouth abd her hair in masuve tangle of knots and her hairbrush stuck in it like a nest  "why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?"

"Everyone tried to wake you up. You ignored them and even froze a maid to the wall." "Oops" Katara said with a shrug.

"Anyway," Sokka said as she looked at Katara "hurry up and get ready for your boyfriend; I'm going to go make sure they have his room ready."

Katara blushed "Aang's not my boyfriend."

"Uh huh, tell me that next time I catch you two in a linen closet groping each other and making out."

"That was once, brother, once!"

"Once is all it takes" Sokka said before turning around and walking down the stairs.

Katara smiled at the memory; it was her sixteen birthday party. All she really remembers was one minute they were dancing and drinking sake and the next they were in a linen closet at her father's house making out. Katara smiled even more as she remember Aang's hand slowly going up her shirt until Sokka threw open the door.

Katara shook her head and finished getting ready, trying to ignore the lustful thoughts that tried to emerge. They were older now, they had responsibilities, and they couldn't go around and just grope each other randomly anymore. But Katara would be lying if she said she didn't want to just randomly grope Aang's as he jumped off of Appa, a wide smile on his face as he brought Sokka into a hug. Just because they were broken up didn't mean they couldn't have benefits.

Aang had grown into himself over the last couple of years. He was no longer lanky and scrawny. He was muscular and fit with a curtain of hair outlining his jaw. His face only held a tint of adolescent youth that Katara new would disappear by his next birthday.

"Katara!" he said as he brought her into a hug a huge smile on his face.

"How was the search? Did you find any airbenders?" Sokka asked as Katara pulled away from the hug.

"Excellent, actually" Aang said.

"You can tell us all about it over breakfast, I'm starving" Sokka said as he steered them towards Hakoda's house.

"So you found a whole island of flying bison?" Katara asked as she served the breakfast.

"And a new type of winged lemur" Aang said as he passed the meat plate to Sokka "I'm still hoping to find some airbenders, but at this point I've almost been all over the world. I'm running out of places to look."

-𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 𝙛𝙖𝙩𝙚⊰  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ