Episode 2:Protected

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"I don't want anyone to look to me, not for protection, not for happiness, not for love, not for anything."

P.D. James,

'Lena Luthor is developing a friendship with the Kryptonian. The alien is getting too close, end her now...publicly,' the text read. The number was different, as usual. Veronica Sinclair read the text twice, then deleted the message. 'How do I do this, how do I get rid of Supergirl?" the woman asked herself, as she watched the ceiling fan spin around and around.


In her office, Lena stared over the city, watching for the red and blue of the woman who was slowly becoming her best friend. She heard the alert on her computer that an email had arrived and turned, sighing hard as she moved away from the window and settled at her desk. She clicked the notification and stared, her blood running cold, as a picture of her and Kara, at lunch the day before appeared, along with an image of Supergirl. Underneath the images were two words in all caps, 'WE KNOW..." The email was signed, 'Leviathan.' As quickly as she opened the message, it deleted itself, and though she tried, she wasn't fast enough to track the source. "Dammit," Lena swore as she stared at the blank screen. She was still transfixed when her door opened and Kara entered.

"Lee?" Kara asked as she saw her friend sitting, a look of anger on her face. "Lena, what's wrong?"

Lena looked up from her trance, "Kara? I'm sorry, bad news from the board." She shook her head, clearing the anger, confusion, and fear from her face. "A CEO's job is never done." She forced a smile to her lips, and concentrated on Kara's smile, her eyes, on anything to help her forget the horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. "Can we talk for a minute?"

Kara beamed, "actually, that's why I'm here, I have a question?"

The smile overwhelmed her for a moment, and Lena forgot what she wanted to say, "go ahead, you first." She smiled back and motioned towards the couch.

Kara was fidgeting. She'd spent the entire morning rehearsing what she was going to say, and as she sat down on the white leather, wiping her hands on her skirt, her mind went blank, and she blurted out, "go out with me? On a real date, let me take you to dinner? We can go somewhere really nice, and get dressed up? I really like you, Lena, so please--please go out with me?"

Lena's face fell, this was not what she was expecting, and the words from the email flashed in front of her eyes. "No!" She snapped, more harshly than she meant to.

Kara's smile disappeared, confusion enveloping her features. She opened her mouth to speak and was interrupted.

"I said no Kara. I'm not interested in you that way. As a matter of fact, I think we need to put up some professional boundaries." Lena snapped. "No more unannounced visits and no more dinners or lunch. You will need to make an appointment through Jess going forward..."

"Lena, I'm sorry, I didn't mean--I misread--I'm so sorry, please, don't do this, I won't ask again, please Lee, please!" Kara begged. Her blue eyes were misting and her breathing was coming in harsh gulps.

"I think you should leave, Kara. Now!" Then Lena turned her back and walked back to the window.

Kara stood in shock at Lena's reaction, tears were running down her face as she scribbled a quick note and ripped it from her notebook. "I'm sorry," she whispered and left the office.

Jess watched as Kara walked slowly from the office and made her way to the elevator, gasping when the reporter turned and she saw tears streaming down Kara's face. "Kara?" She stood, but the doors slid shut and the other woman disappeared.

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