Wedding (short)

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Something just came to my mind recently and I thought 'MAN I should write something about this!'
I promise I'm not ending the plastic beach fics I just couldn't wait until I finish all the plastic beach fics to write this! So here's a short fluff fic!

3rd person POV:

2D is standing at the alter with his little sister noodle and damion behind him, Jamie was on the other side so he and Russ would be behind Murdoc. 2D was standing nervously, he would sometimes fiddle with his fingers. But he finds comfort in looking towards his parents who sat in the front seats along with other family members and friends.

Noodle placed a hand gently on 2Ds shoulder "hey, don't fret, everything's gonna be okay" 2D looks towards her and sighed "I know, it's just that... I'm ACTUALLY getting married and... what if I mess this up?  I love Murdoc with all my heart and I don't wanna ruin what we have" noddle smiled softly "your too careful with that Toochi... I bet that behind that door he's thinking the same thing as you" 2D smiled at his little sister "thanks noodle, I needed to hear that"

Meanwhile with Murdoc

Thoughts we're running through Murdoc's head, he rests against the wall and starred at the huge door that led towards the isle and alter. Murdoc was very excited yet nervous, never in a thousand years did he think that he would ever marry 2D. And yet hear he is, walking down the isle like a bride would on her wedding day, along with her father who would send her off.

But... Murdoc felt upset that he didn't have a father to send him off, one who'd even care so much to do so. He didn't mind that Sebastian wasn't there but he still felt upset.

Then all of a sudden a tap on the shoulder scared him from his miserable thoughts. He looks over to see Russell standing there "heya man, 2Ds waiting for ya, we should go soon" Murdoc was shocked "Russ what are you doing here? You should be standing with Jamie at the altar"

Russ chuckles and hooks his arm with Murdoc's "well, who els is gonna send you off?" Murdoc's eye widen "y-you'd do that?" The smile never left Russell's face "of course! Can't have you sending yourself off now can we?" Murdoc smiles "heh... thanks mate" Russ nods.

Russ and Murdoc both stand infront of the huge door "you ready?" Russ asked "very ready" Murdoc replies, almost feeling tears rise.

Back with 2D and everyone els.

The elderly woman starts to play her organ and everyone who was sitting down stood up and faced towards the huge door. 2Ds heart starts to race, the two men who stood at the door open it widely for everyone to see Murdoc and Russell's arms intertwined.

2Ds tears rise as he sees Murdoc in his suit, he looked like a dark angel. With his suit he wore a black long cape, and the best of it was that he left his hair curly. 2Ds and Murdoc's eyes lock with each other. They both smiled and were both teary eyed.

Russ and Murdoc both walk down the isle, Murdoc looks around at the smiling familiar faces as he walked. The two eventually make it to the alter, Russ let's go of Murdoc's arm and stands with Jamie. While Murdoc stood with his almost husband 2D.

Neither of them can look away from each other, both of their eyes sparkled. 2Ds lip trembled, but he quickly covered his mouth "oh love~ don't cry or your gonna make me cry~ do you know how much I hate cleaning eyeliner off my face?~" Murdoc says softly. 2D chuckles "s-sorry love~ I-I'm just exited~" Murdoc smiles warmly "me too~" 2D than says "your hair looks lovely~" Murdoc blushes "yah... I knew you were crazy for my curly hair so... yah~" they both softly laughed.

Then the man who was marrying 2D and Murdoc beamed "everyone please sit!" And they do so, all except everyone standing at the altar. Then the mans voice beams "Murdoc Faust nickels and Stuart Harold pot, will you please join hands" 2D and Murdoc both look back at each other and smiled as they bring their hands together.

The man who is marrying the two smiles in a prove meant "may you two now say your vowels?" He asks. 2D beamed "I-I'll go first" Murdoc blushes and his tears risen. 2D closed his eyes.

2D takes a big breath and sighed as he exhale. He then opens his eyes back up to stare straight into Murdoc's eyes "Murdoc" he starts "over the past 20 years we've known each other you and I haven't really gotten along that well... but the whole time I felt something els towards you other that annoyed... and now I know what it was, love~" Murdoc smiles softly.

"I loved how we would have good moments together when we... could relate to each other let's say... when we'd get along and joke about stupid stuff... I never knew that I was crushing on you in those rare moments, I officially knew I loved you when..."

2D brings Murdoc close so no one could hear the next parts he would say "when you got the body guards to bring me to your trailer, and you'd tell me how your father treated you... then when I'm holding you in my arms while you cried is when I realized I loved you so much" Murdoc smiles and a tear slides down his cheek.

Everyone in the audience looked at them questionably because they didn't hear what 2D had said to Murdoc. 'Because that was their little secret' 2D pulled away from Murdoc to speak loud enough for everyone to hear him again.

"And now Murdoc... I'm so happy that I get to wake up with you everyday and tell you I love you, and you saying it back... I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't met you... I love you Murdoc nickels and I'm happy we're gonna take each other last names into our own~"

People clap and more tears slide down Murdoc's cheeks "I love you~" Murdoc mumbled as 2D wipes his eyes with his handkerchief.

"Okay... it's my turn" Murdoc breathed. "Stuart... ever since I've met you I've been nothing but a drunken asshole to you. But even after all of that you still helped me find the good in myself, to better myself in many ways~ you stuck bye me the whole time... when I first met you I was jealous of your beauty and body I'll admit... heh... anyway, I'm just so happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with you... and get to wear a ring and combine our names with you to show our love... I love you Stuart~"

2D smiled with red cheeks. The man who is marrying them two then beamed "please bring forth the rings" then someone in the far back who was carrying noodle's cat on their lap sets him down. He had a little suit on and a pink pillow on his back. And there laid two engagements rings on top of him.

Everyone awed as the cat meows and walked towards 2D and Murdoc as he was trained to do many times before, noodle silently clapped "good boy" she whispered.

Then he stands in between 2D and Murdoc. Murdoc happily picked him up, 2D took the rings off the pillow, Murdoc then looks back to his daughter and says "here you go poppet" noodle smiled and took her cat out of Murdoc's hands and hold him like a baby.

"May you two place your rings on each other fingers?" They both nod at each other. Murdoc slipped the ring on 2Ds right finger while 2D did the same with Murdoc's ring. Then Murdoc and 2D look up at each other, both having sparkles in their eyes. 

"Now!" The man beamed again "if anyone thinks these two shouldn't we'd say it now" the room is silent for five seconds "then with that being said I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom!"

2D and Murdoc look towards each other happily, Murdoc wrapped his arms around 2Ds neck while 2D wrapped his arms around Murdoc's waist "come here you~" 2D cooed, Murdoc laughed.

They then bring each other in a loving kiss, both humming in delight. Everyone clapped, damion and Jamie. While Russ, noodle and 2Ds parents start tearing up. The two newly weds stay in that position for a couple more seconds. Before gently pulling away, with a small smack from their lips disconnecting.

At this point tears slide down both of their cheeks, as they held each other closely. Murdoc and 2D then take each others hands and ran out the huge doors to head off to their honeymoon in Jamaica. After two weeks they would come back to their after party.

2D and Murdoc (both laughing like morons) head off to the stylo. 2D opened the passenger door for Murdoc "aw your such a gentleman~" Murdoc cooed 2D winks "that I am my love~" Murdoc then hopped in "try not to make us crash before we actually get to the airport~" Murdoc teases "hey I didn't crash when I took you on that motorcycle trip~" he says as he closed the door "heh~ your right about that"

2D then hopped into the drivers side, they then zoomed away onto the highway. There was no other cars on the road and the sun was starting to set. They both make eye contact "I love you~" they both say. They then kiss lovingly.

They then ride off into the sun set together.

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