♡ iwaoi - kiss count ♡

Start from the beginning

He carefully reached over and grabbed a new piece, cautiously bringing it to his lips and setting it evenly so it balanced. He tapped Oikawa's thighs, and all unease vanished once he saw the giddy look in Oikawa's eyes.

Iwaizumi forgot the main point of the game was to not pull away soon after starting.

Not that would've lost still, but he didn't even want to move. He liked having a reason to be so close to his boyfriend and admire his features without the other making some snarky comment.

The pocky didn't break, and with a half smile Oikawa gave him a quick kiss before pulling away. "53, looks like that was a tie. Up for a rematch?"

Iwaizumi smiled himself, grabbing another piece.


You make me feel like sugar-coated mangos, Iwa-chan! I love you!

Iwaizumi stared questionably at the heart-covered note he'd found in his locker, undoubtedly from Oikawa.

Oikawa was cheesy, but this wasn't cheesy, it was mango-y and Iwaizumi didn't know how this was supposed to be considered a valentine. Under the note were several large bags of dried mangos, taking up at least half his locker.

He'd expected a volleyball pun, maybe something overused or a cliche saying drawn on a store-bought card, but this out-mangoed his expectations. With a small chuckle, Iwaizumi set the note in his pocket and shoved a bag of mangos in his backpack.

Not thinking much of it, Iwaizumi opened one bag to keep in his locker and ate one.

They were really good, and Iwaizumi was at least pleased Oikawa had remembered his disapproval of chocolate.

By the proud smile on Oikawa's face as he rushed up to Iwaizumi, bags of gifts from random girls hanging off his arms, it was evident he was excited with his valentine creation. "Iwa-chan, Iwa-chan!"

Iwaizumi hummed as he strode closer to Oikawa, habitually intertwining their hands as he greeted his boyfriend. "Hey, 'Kawa. How was class?"

Gesturing to the overflowing bags, Oikawa grinned. "Great, actually! I only got half the amount I got last year, I think you're finally starting to scare them off!"

Not that he'd admit it, but Iwaizumi hoped he was scaring people off. How hard was it to see that he was taken? "I'm not that bad, meany-kawa! Besides, remember how scared you were of the third years? Of course they'd be nervous!"

Oikawa huffed but nonetheless understood where Iwa was coming from. "Yeah, yeah. But hey, you can't complain since you don't have a lot to carry!"

Iwaizumi thought back to the many bags of mangos in his locker and the one in his backpack. Had he chosen to carry all of them, he would've been carrying more than Oikawa.

Oikawa grinned as he leaned down momentarily, giving his boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips. "Mm, that was 60 and you didn't get all the sugar off your lips. Glad to know you at least ate some of the mangos!"

Iwaizumi only rolled his eyes as they strolled out of school. "Yeah, yeah, but happy Valentine's Day, 'Kawa."

Oikawa smiled in response, "Yeah, happy Valentine's day, darling!"


Oikawa and Iwaizumi always spent lunch with Mattsun and Makki in the garden. Seeing as most students ate on the roof or in the cafeteria, it was generally just them with the pretty flowers.

It'd become some kind of routine that Oikawa would bring baked goods on Friday, and naturally today was no expedition.

Today, however, he had homemade fortune cookies and for his first attempt, they looked pretty good. He excitedly passed them between his friends, making sure to give the one with a small heart drawn on the bag to his boyfriend.

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