♀: "Countdown."

Start from the beginning

"...You sure know how to pick your hostages," One of the masked men said sarcastically.

"Shut up, like you did any better," Bathroom-guy (wow okay I really need to give him a better nickname) growled, jerking his chin in the direction towards the other hostages- one in particular who was drunk and currently slurring dirty inappropriate NC-17 rated words.

"She was hot," Was all the other guy (I'm dubbing him Leader guy) said before nodding. "Okay, let's get this place locked down. No one leaves, no one comes in."


"IS THIS A HOSTAGE SITUATION?!" One rich lady in a really ugly looking leopard print dress (I bet she owned that matching fugly jacket) gasped dramatically, hands on her head in the stereotypical "damsel in distress" motion.

"No we're having a slumber party," Leader guy snarled sarcastically.

"We are?" I asked excitedly. Weird way to plan one, but I'm taking what I can get.


"I refuse. My dress is brand name!" The leopard print lady yelled.

"Lady your life is on the line, I suggest you do as I say or you're going to get something more than just dust on your dress," Another gunman smiled sadistically.

The woman paled and laid down on the floor with the others as I stood awkwardly with the first group of hostages and tried to avoid drunk girl who was groping one of the waiters.

I wish I had bleach. Some things you just can't unsee.

My eyes drifted towards an old man crawling toward the exit and I turned away quickly, squeezing my eyes shut as I waited for the inevitable.

In a single second, a resounding echo of a bang could be heard in the room, followed by screaming as I slowly opened my eyes.

Laying in a pool of his own blood was the old man, choking on his own blood and slowly dying as I tore my eyes away in horror, my parents starting to finally understand the situation.

But instead of coming to me like all the other parents did to their kids, the shuffled away from me until I was the only kid left standing in the first hostage group.

"You," The Bathroom Guy drawled, motioning at me. "Come."

I walked slowly towards the middle, eyes flickering towards all the faces who dared not speak a word.

I was going to die.

Oh my god I was going to die without seeing a unicorn.

I was never going to eat ice cream again.

I didn't meet a hot guy with abs.

I haven't even tried sushi yet!


That's sad.

I really had a sad life.

I mean I wasn't dying of hunger but-

"You all have thirty seconds to run," Leader guy smirked, head turned towards the security cameras. "You watching this?"

"Whose watching what?" A lady asked in a shaky voice.

"Oh, this? This whole thing," Leader guy smirked, pointing the gun at everyone in general. "Is being livestreamed. Not that the police can do anything about it, and the security guards are all dead, and by the time they find us we'll be dead as well."

"I don't get it, if you want to suicide, why drag us down with you?" One guy asked, narrowing his eyes.

'Good point. Not the time,' I thought as I plugged my ears and heard more muffled screams and another 'bang'.

"Thirty seconds to escape. This girl," Leader guy said, pointing at me with a gun (which is really scary, just so you know), "is going to count for you guys. Go on, count."

"Uh... One...?" I trailed off, looking around as everyone scattered.

They weren't going to escape. That much I knew. Best choice was to hide. Seriously, watching enough horror movies has taught me that you do not go into dark forests by yourself and you should not suddenly and randomly trip when there's a chainsaw murderer behind you.

"Fifteen... Sixteen... Seventeen," I continued, wiping my sweaty palms on the weird colored dress I had on. Seriously, this is a brand name dress but it was seriously ugly. Not that anyone cares because hey! It's a brand name!

"Nineteen... Twenty..."

Now that I think about it, if those guys shot me, I'd probably bleed to death right there on the floor. I've always been a heavy bleeder. Wow that sucks, I risk dying slowly of blood loss, way to go Aria, way to go. Such happy thoughts in the last moments of your life.

"Twenty two... Twenty three... Twenty four..." I said, watching as the gunmen (I counted ten total. All of them wearing clown masks now. Isn't that creepy.) started scattering, leaving me the only one in the ballroom with two dead bodies. I think they're going to kill me last?

"Twenty seven... Twenty eight..."

I just realized, my parents left without me. Didn't look at me, they just ran with the rest of them. I mean this elderly couple looked at me but that's about it. Wow, a couple who I don't even know cared about me more than my own parents.

"THIRTY!" I yelled before turning and running down a random hall.

"Times up," A voice cackled through the speakers installed in the five story building. "Ready or not, here we come,"


Uh- oh... Aria, run! Okay, I know what happens. This part wasn't that funny, but more of plot. I'll try to make the next part funnier~! Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot! Comment? Vote? Thank you!

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