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The loss of feeling or touch of something or someone.
I feel lost without this person,
A few hours without them make me feel weird,
A couple more hours with just one message and I shrivel up back into a ball on my bed.
A whole day later and here I am overthinking.
I feel deprived of that one person,
I feel confused why we have barely spoken,
I feel so many raw emotions but more than any is how much I miss them.
They say all good things come to those who wait,
But waiting doesn't really get me to anywhere other than creating things in my mind about the other person,
I want to be beside that person forever instead of looking constantly on my phone to see if they messaged me,
I want to be looking into that person's eyes to see into their soul rather than be conflicted with my thoughts.
Life is a mess of multiple thoughts, and yet here I am deprived of the one thing I love most.

The PathTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang