Harry's expression fell and he his voice was barely audible now.

"I think you know." The man mumbled still looking down at his hands.

Louis didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Harry that he shouldn't beat himself up over it, but honestly Louis was still a bit upset and he thought it was good that Harry was still thinking about it, regretting it. However he didn't want Harry feeling bad.

"Bring it on then." Louis said enthusiastically after a long pause.

Harry looked up at him and a gave him a confused look.

"The nail polish." Louis explained and Harry looked like he was close to smiling.

"Seriously now?"

"We don't have anything better to do, do we?" Louis asked and with that Harry stood up and ran into the bedroom.

A few moments later he came running back with a nail polish that was a pastel yellow color.

"What color did you pick?" Louis asked suppressing the smile that made it's way on his lips due to Harry being happy about painting his nails.

Harry held up the nail polish showing it to Louis. He sat back down and Louis scooted closer to him which made Harry stop for a second, but he didn't give him a weird look.

He opened up the tiny bottle, setting it down on the table after taking the brush out. Harry held his left hand in front of him, turning his thumb to paint his nail, but before he could he was interrupted.

"What are you doing?" Louis questioned as if Harry was doing something obviously wrong.

"Um...painting my nails?" Harry simply answered, totally puzzled.

Louis took the brush out of his hand. "No. I am painting your nails." Louis stated.

Harry was dumbfounded with Louis clear choice.

"Have you done this before?" He asked concerned.

"Never." Louis answered happily right before taking Harry's hand and starting to paint his thumbnail.

It was a chaos. A proper mess. He was painting over Harry's nails and even getting his own hands dirty. Harry was surprised that Louis didn't spill anything on the couch. The taller man covered his eyes with the other hand and bit his lower lip, he couldn't watch this shit show.

Nevertheless they were both laughing and Louis could feel the disappointment and anger towards Harry leave him piece by piece every time Harry giggled. He was also content about the fact that Harry was smiling again.

"Stop moving." Louis ordered with a chuckle.

"Louis, there is no way that you can fix this, so it really doesn't matter if I move or not." Harry grinned while watching Louis' concentrated face. He was biting his lip, but Harry knew that he only did that to stop himself from smiling.

"I am trying, okay?" Louis defended himself.

He finished ruining Harry's nails and Harry took his time to look at the disaster. He shook his head disapprovingly while smiling.

"Yeah...we definitely have to practice this." Harry informed.

He watched Louis pout jokingly and then Harry stood up and went to grab the nail polish remover.

Louis laid on his stomach, face probt on his folded arms in front of him as he watched Harry fix his nails. He looked up at him as if he was doing the most interesting thing ever. Harry felt a bit nervous under his gaze, but then again when didn't he.

forced destiny // L.S.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora